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1 year later....

Bloom POV
Today was the day it had been exactly one year since the Winx and I had come back and saw the specialists for the first time. Briar was 6 years old and her powers where growing more and more as the days go on she can finally stay as a fairy for more than a few minutes. She has grown in such a big way not just looks but she has gotten so much more mature from a year ago. I swear some days she's more my age than her own. Briar and Sky get along so well, they play together all the time. I mean Briar is such a daddy's girl that whenever Sky has to go on a mission the second he gets back Briar is all over him. She even got Sky to play tea party, dolls, and any other girly game she could make up in mind. Not to mention when they play rescue the princess Briar nots the princess but her daddy is and she's the night that rescues him.

Sky and I have been good well better than good actually. We started off slow just friends but we couldn't just be friends I mean thats not who me and Sky are. It didn't take more than a month for Sky to ask me on a date. And it went great after that we decided we dind't just want to be friends expecillay if we where going to be raising Briar together in the same house. That night we had a long talk with Briar and she couldn't be happier to be honest she wanted this for along time as she said for an over and hour straight. Then things got even more serious and one thing lead to another and Sky asked me to marry him for the second time and of course I said yes.

That was three months ago and everyone buys Musa was engaged and today is the big day. The day Sky and I are to be married after almost 7 years of waiting I was finally getting married to the love of my life once and for all. Obviously the Winx where my bridesmaids. Harmony, Lyra, Eliana, and Celeste where all going to be flower girls and Forest, Caleb, and Leo wher going to be ring bearers. Then my beautiful daughter Briar is going to walk me down the aisle leading right to where her daddy will be standing.

Currently me the Winx where getting ready for the wedding. Mrs.Faragonda was currently watching all the kids so, me and the girls could have some alone time to get ready. "So are you ready Bloom," Stella asked as she finished up her makeup. "I'm so ready I mean this day should have been 7 years ago," I say as Flora zips up my dress. "I bet all of you are excited," Musa said sort of monotone. I know she's upset Riven hasn't proposed yet but what can she do. She knows that Riven isn't the one to take hints and god knows she has with showing him pictures of rings and dresses and bringing up when he proposed. "I'm sorry Muse I bet he'll propose soon," I tell her as I give her a hug. "I highly doubt these days he barely says two words to me if anything where going to break up," Musa says holding back tears. "Hey I highly doubt that," I say trying to calm her. "It's fine today is suppose to be a happy day. Your getting married Bloom to the love of your life and he's expecting you down that aisle in an hour. Now I'm going to go get some air you keep getting ready," She says as she steps out of the room.

Musa POV
As I was walking outside of the hotel I couldn't help but think, "Is Riven ever going to propose or is he going to break my heart," I didn't know what the right answer would be but I hope its one more than the other. "Musa," I hear someone say from a distant and I would know that voice from anywhere. "Hey," I say kind of quietly because of what i was just thinking. "So I wanted to talk to you," Riven told me which not going to lie kind of scared me. "About," I ask trying to hold back my tears that previously had formed in my eyes from earlier. "Well," he says but before he could get out another word. "No I want to say something have you not been getting my hint about me and you. All the girls want to be married and they are already engaged and I'm just here ringlets with a baby daddy who talks to his kids more than me these past two weeks," I say realsing all the tears tat i had been holding back. "Musa if you would have let me talk I have been getting the hints but I wanted it to be special like the first time I did this. I love you so much and I just I didn't want to ruin anything and I had this whole plan and I was scared I was going to spoil it if i talked to you to much. Of course I want to marry you baby I love you and want to spend forever together," before he continued he got onto one knee, "So Musa will you do me the pleasure of marrying me," he says showing off this beautiful diamond ring shaped like a music symbol just like the first one he gave me but better. "Of course Riven," I say as he wipes my tears off and puts the ring on my finger. "I love you Muse and our girls forever and alwyas," he says as he wraps his arms around me in a hug. "I love you and the girls forever too," I say as I give him a slow passionate kiss.

By the time me and Riven got back we where a little late for some reasons that I do not want to mention. As I walked down the isle I saw Sky and all the other girls and guys standing at the end of the aisle. "Musa where have you been and your hairs a little messed up," Stella says as I stand by her. "OMG you and Riven did you use protection," Stella said not very quietly. "Stella shut up Bloom's coming," I say not only to shut her up but because Bloom really was going down the isle and our girls where throwing flowers. "Aww," we heard from the crowd as Bloom followed down behind the girl. I look over and see Sky staring at bloom and Riven starting at me they both had the same look like they where complexity in love with who they where looking at which couldn't make me happier.

Bloom POV
As I walked down the aisle I couldn't help but look at Sky and how amazing he looks standing there and little Briar standing by his feet. I mouthed I love you as I came down to the end of the aisle.

Nobody POV
It was going smoothly as they got to the i do's they where about to kiss when something bad happened like not just bad horribly bad. "Congrats, or I would say that if I was actually happy for you," Diaspro said as she burst through the doors with another dreaded person. "Yeah I second that I just want to gag," Icy says as she shoots an ice ball and hits Bloom before she had a chance to block it.

Bloom POV
It was going good until all of a sudden Icy and Diaspro burst through the door and Icy shot an ice ball right at. I was to in shock to block the ice ball. As it struck me everything went black and the last thing I heard was Sky screaming no as he tried to catch me.

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