Naegi's Troubles

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"I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!" Naegi screamed to himself as he ran outside of headquarters. "I'm coming, Kirigiri-san!"

Correcting and fixing other people's work took way too long and made Naegi late to his date with Kirigiri.

Naegi tried pulling out his phone from his suit pocket only to have it fall all the way down to his feet. He accidentally kicked his phone into the middle of a busy street of fast moving cars.

"No!" Naegi screamed as he fell to his knees.

After the crowd of moving cars left, Naegi's phone was miraculously left intact.

After determining it was safe to cross, Naegi picked up his phone and heaved a sigh of relief knowing that his phone survived. Just as Naegi tried to send Kirigiri a text, someone bumped into him from behind and caused Naegi to drop his phone in a rain gutter.


After a lengthy process of trying to retrieve his phone, Naegi met with one natural disaster after another. Each one was more perilous than the last from being chased by dogs to being attacked by birds.

Naegi was close to the meeting spot until he found a crying lost girl.

"Are you lost?" Naegi asked the girl.

The girl nodded to affirm Naegi's suspicions. Naegi then took it upon himself to help the girl find her mother whom she had separated from.

He eventually found the young girl's mother at a police box. The young girl gifted Naegi an unopened umbrella despite there being no rain at the time.

"The newsman said that there would be rain today," the young girl told Naegi. "Be careful not to get sick, Onii-chan."

"Thank you very much!" Naegi said as he accepted the umbrella.

On the way back, the rain suddenly began pouring.

Naegi saw one lone girl waiting underneath the rain and quickly went to open the umbrella for her.

"Naegi-kun, welcome back," Kirigiri said with a smile.

Naegi bent his body at a complete 90° right angle in front of Kirigiri.

"I'm really sorry, Kirigiri-san! I made you wait for so long."

Kirigiri took out her handkerchief and began wiping his face.

"You look like you went through a lot," Kirigiri said as she smiled.

Although Kirigiri smiled, Naegi could tell that she was not smiling from the bottom of her heart and quickly went to hug her.

"I am really sorry for making you worry..."

Naegi's hug melted Kirigiri's frosted face and heart. She finally let her feelings show on her face through her tears as she embraced Naegi in her arms.

"...I was really worried," Kirigiri confessed.

The two continued their date by walking home holding their hands together.

By the time they had reached their home, they were both completely soaked to the bone. The umbrella was only helpful for a short time before the wind picked up and splashed water all over their clothes.

"I will go heat up the bath for you first, Kirigiri-san," Naegi said as he took off his coat.

Kirigiri grabbed Naegi's wrist.

"Let's use the bath together," Kirigiri suggested.

"T-T-Together?" Naegi stuttered.

Kirigiri suddenly felt embarrassed and released Naegi's wrist.

"...If you don't want to, that is fine too," Kirigiri said shyly. "I will go first then."

Kirigiri quickly ran away and went to start the bath.

She went to clean herself thoroughly before going into the bath. Before entering, she felt a bit hesitant and watched the door.

"He really isn't coming in," Kirigiri said with slight dejection in her voice.

The door opened suddenly and in came Naegi with a blindfold and a towel wrapped around his waist.

"...I hope you do not mind me joining you," Naegi said shyly.

Kirigiri chuckled softly as she went over to Naegi and helped wash him down by scrubbing his back and helped him in the bath. Kirigiri sat on the side opposite facing Naegi.

"...Are you warm now?" Kirigiri asked Naegi.

"...A little bit," Naegi said shyly.

"That's a problematic," Kirigiri said.

Kirigiri moved around the water and placed her face close to Naegi's. She then placed her hands on Naegi's legs as she closed her eyes and kissed Naegi on his lips. Naegi felt a bit startled from the sudden kiss that ended up being a very long kiss.

The blindfold Naegi was wearing suddenly became loose and fell into the bath. Into his sight, he saw his beautiful wife still kissing him with her eyes closed. Naegi's wandering hands soon went to Kirigiri's slim waist.

The two separated eventually to catch a breath of air and stared into each other's eyes.

"...K-Kirigiri-san," Naegi mouth exasperatedly.

Kirigiri licked the saliva from her lips slightly.

"...Are you warm yet?" Kirigiri asked Naegi with a seductive smile on her face.

"Y-Yes," Naegi answered shyly.

The heat front the bath suddenly got to Naegi and made him feel faint. Kirigiri ended up having to retrieve the fainted Naegi from the bath.

Kirigiri-san! PLEASE!!!Where stories live. Discover now