Halloween Party

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Naegi and Kirigiri were preparing their costumes at home for their annual Halloween party that was coming up at Headquarters.

"Kirigiri-san, should I go with the Werewolf costume for the Halloween party?" Naegi asked Kirigiri while they were deciding costumes together.

"...I am worried that everyone will try to pet you if you go with the Werewolf costume because you are so cute," Kirigiri said with a smile.

"Isn't a Werewolf the epitome of the manliest costume? Why would I be cute?" Naegi asked dejectedly.

Kirigiri kisses Naegi's cheek.

"Well, you yourself are a very cute person," Kirigiri said with a mischievous smile.

Naegi pouted slightly.

"I am going to be a manly person this year. Just you wait," Naegi said with a passion.

Kirigiri giggles softly with her hand slightly over her lips.

"I cannot wait for the party," Kirigiri said with a smile.

Naegi closed the space between them and gave Kirigiri a long kiss on the lips.

"Me neither," Naegi said as he smiled slyly. "That is why I will prepare a costume that will make even you swoon, Kirigiri-san!"

Naegi hurries outside to buy the supplies for his new and improved costume, while Kirigiri stays seated in their living room and touches her lonely lips.

"He didn't have to rush to leave..." Kirigiri said dispiritedly.

A few days later, Naegi asked Kirigiri to leave first so that he could prepare his costume in secret.

Upon reaching the party, everyone turned their heads to marvel at Kirigiri's costume.

She had come with bandage wrappings around her legs with one higher than the other and had both of her hands carefully wrapped with bandages. On her face, a detailed stitching makeup was done from her eye and down her cheek. She also tied her hair up in a high ponytail and wore a doctor's lab coat on to mimic a Franken-Doctor design.

At the base she was already very beautiful, today everyone agreed that she was frighteningly beautiful today.

"Kyoko-chan!" Asahina called out.

Asahina came dressed in her usual clothes with a dolphin fin coming off her back.

"Aoi!" Kirigiri said with a loving smile.

"The stitches look so realistic!" Asahina said as she marveled at Kirigiri's realistic makeup.

"I spent some time looking at dead bodies and remembered how stitches looked," Kirigiri explained.

"Your costume is amazing!" Hagekure said excitedly.

Hagakure painted his entire body green, poorly wrapped bandages around his head and arms, and wore ripped clothing.

"Hagakure-san? Homeless attire?" Kirigiri guessed.

"I'm a zombie for what it's worth, Kirigiricchi...Where is Naegicchi? He did not come with you?" Hagakure asked.

Kirigiri smiled prettily.

"Naegi-kun has a surprise in store for me," Kirigiri said with a smile on her face.

Hagakure went to get snacks for the girls, while Asahina went to the restroom to freshen up. Kirigiri waited at some place she had a full view of the entrance.

A nameless passerby soon blocked her view.

"Your husband has not come by yet, Kirigiri-san. Are you not feeling lonely without your husband by your side," a Nameless Man said as he tried to place his arm around Kirigiri's shoulders.

"Did you wait long?" Naegi asked as he pulled Kirigiri into his arms.

Naegi appeared in what seemed like a Vampire costume. He slicked one side part of his hair back and wore a fancy suit underneath a black cloak. In Kirigiri's eyes, Naegi had suddenly become very charming in her eyes.

"...Not at all," Kirigiri answered him.

"You two seem very close," the Nameless Man said.

Naegi smiled cheekily.

"...Very," Naegi answered in Kirigiri's ear. "We are married after all."

"Please excuse me..." the Nameless Man said as he finally left the loving couple.

Kirigiri suddenly grabbed Naegi's face and pressed her forehead to his.

"It's warm...Did you drink?" Kirigiri asked.

"...The juice that I drank must of had some alcohol," Naegi said as he touched his head from a headache.

Kirigiri quickly grabbed Naegi's hand and brought him down to the rest area on the office floors. She placed Naegi down onto a bed and began loosening Naegi's neck ties and unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt.

"Should I get you anything?" Kirigiri asked worriedly.

Naegi began softly panting.

"...Can I have some water?" he asked.

Kirigiri left and came back with a cup of water and poured a bit of water into her mouth before feeding it over to Naegi through her mouth.

"...Would you like some more?" Kirigiri asked.

"Yes, please..." Naegi answered her as he placed his hands around her waist.

Even after running out of water, the two continued to kiss each other much longer into the night.

Kirigiri-san! PLEASE!!!Where stories live. Discover now