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Park Y/n POV

"Y/n... Y/n.. wake up! WAKE UPPPP!" I opened my eyes, only to see Jaehyun's face close to mine.

"AHHHH JAEHYUN! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO SCARE ME LIKE THAT." I shouted at him as he backed up and mumbled 'I'm sorry' under his breath. I sat up and took a couple deep breath.

"I'm quite hungry Y/n..."

"Okay, let's go out for some breakfast. You can go take a bath, take the towel you used yesterday in the bathroom. You can bath in the guest restroom."

"Alright, so.. I can keep wearing this hoodie right?" He asked with puppy eyes, I giggled a little. What a cutie and I nodded with a smile. So, he walked to my bathroom and took the towel.

"I'll see you later Y/n hehe." He went out of my room with a mischief smile. Aish what am I gonna do with that boy. Mhm.. I don't think Jihyo unnie is home, maybe she's with the queen right now. I got up and hoped in shower. Time to get ready.


"I work as a part timer at a café shop nearby. Wanna go there? I think there's an empty spot if you wanna work there? You can check up if you want.." Jaehyun said with a 'hoping I would work there' face.

"Sure!" I mean it would be nice if I work with Jaehyun.. eh but.. Jeonghan also suggested he could help me with this.. aish it's fine, I'll survey the café first.

"So where is the caf- AHH JAEHYUN-" I COULDN'T EVEN FINISH MY SENTENCE HE GRABBED MY HAND AFTER I EXACTLY LOCK MY HOUSE DOOR AND WE ARE RUNNING NOW. I couldn't help but giggled a little as the wind brushes my face hardly. After a few minutes of running, we finally reached in front of the café.

"Sorry for making you run.. I was late..."

"Late for what?" I asked suspiciously.


"It's fine." I said as he held my hand and brought me into the.... CAT CAFE ! AHHH OH MY GOD I LOVE CATS. NO WONDER ITS CALLED THE NEKO CAFE !

(Fun fact ! Neko is cat in Japanese !)

Jaehyun let go of my hand as I was too busy petting the cats that surrounded me. The interior design of the café is so beautiful. The colours is so vibrant with soft pink and turquoise colour. The cats just complete the whole concept of course. The café has a lot of people currently but still, it doesn't feel pack. I look up to the one who design all this.

"They like you." A sweet voice said. I looked up and a broad shoulder person with an extremely good looking face stood in front of me. I stood up slowly and bowed a little.

"Sorry boss, I was late.. anyways, this is the girl that I told you about, you know? The one that could fill in the empty spot." Jaehyun said with a bright smile while he put on his apron.

"Ah yes yes, what a lovely looking person. I'll take a beauty like you gladly to work here. You can start working tomorrow, Jaehyun will guide you so as your other co-workers. Oh yes, please excuse my disrespectful behaviour. I have not introduced myself.. my name is Kim Seokjin but you can call me boss of course." He said with a cute little smile.

"My name is Park Y/n and you can call me Y/n." I said softly and smiled.

"Please pardon me Y/n as I have some other work to do. Do not worry, you are in very good hands." I smiled and chuckled a little as I glanced at Jaehyun. He laughed a little while standing behind the counter top.

"Oh there you are Jeonghan, where's the girl you said you wanted to bring her here. I think you can tell her that we don't have any spots left. Look at Jaehyun, he brought a really pretty girl to work with us today. Guide her please."



"JEONGHAN?!" We both shouted so loud as the whole café looked at us weirdly.

"You guys know each other?" Jin and Jaehyun asked at the same time. We both nodded.

"I met Jeonghan a few days ago with her sister at the park, we went out for a coffee after that."

"Yeap, Y/n was so nice to me and she's actually the girl I wanted to bring in to you boss until.. Jaehyun came in the scene." Weird.. Jeonghan sounded annoyed when he blurted out Jaehyun's name and clearly rolled his eyes. Jaehyun side eyed Jeonghan.

"How did you guys know each other anyways?" Jeonghan asked me and Jaehyun with a clear annoyance in his voice tone.

"Oh we met-"

"Oh we met a few days ago too, even before she met you. I was at her house last night and we are VERY close-" I punched Jaehyun's arm for telling them something private plus for cutting my sentence and I smiled to them.

"Sorry guys and sorry boss, that was too much information but yeah it is true. I met him before I met Jeonghan. So I do not want to waste anytime anymore. Please, Jaehyun. Yeah you dumbass, show me what I'm suppose to do." I said to Jaehyun while we both giggled a little with boss too.

"Jaehyun and Jisoo, you both guide her as a waiter and how to handle the casher spot." Boss said with a smile as Jaehyun and this stranger nodded.

(Seokjin = Jin aka the boss)

Jin left and this beautiful person came up to me with Jaehyun beside her.

"Hello ! My name is Kim Jisoo but you can call me Jisoo or unnie if I'm older than you. I am 26 years old by the way. There in the kitchen with Jeonghan is Oh Sehun, he is 27 years old. Pretty old hehe. I shall guide a cutie like you."

"Hi ! My name is Park Y/n ! I am 23 years old this year, I will have to call you unnie hehe. Thank you so so much, you are so nice." SHE IS SO PRETTY !! She smiled and guided me. She told me about handling the money and apparently Sehun and Jisoo is the chef and others are the waiters. Since they weren't alot of people in the café, Jaehyun and Jeonghan were now busy with counting how much stocks has left. Poor Jisoo, Jaehyun left me for Jisoo to handle. I mean I don't really care about it anyways but still, I felt bad for Jisoo.

Hours went by. Alot of people rushed in during lunch and I was still learning how to manage so Jaehyun just told me to take care of the cashier instead since that is more easier than serving people. Jisoo left to handle the food with Sehun and Jeonghan is taking some orders.

Sometimes, I would notice Jaehyun taking a quick glance at me and I would caught him VERY often or.. is it me staring at him too much? But the thing is, Jeonghan would always do that too so I'm pretty self conscious about myself currently like why would they look at me.. out of nowhere.

Well, I can tell that they don't like each other at all.

Hi readers ! I am truly sorry about the late update. You see, I'm quite busy but I will really try to rush the book ! Thank you my readers 💗


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