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~~~~Next Week~~~Alexis POV~~~

"Wait one minute. So you guys are forced to date each other, but you guys haven't even been on your first date?? What has it been? 2 weeks? Come on now, sister." Jasmine told me. I invited Jasmine and Noah over the house, just so we could talk. They were in me and Jack's room, helping me get ready.

"Yep. Today is our first one. I promise you, I don't want to go on a date with this bum." I said.

"What about Jack?" Jasmine asked. "I mean since you guys are actually dating now, what's he gonna thin-"

"Wait. You think me and Jack are dating? We're not, we're just sharing a room so I won't have to sleep with Daniel. I don't even think Jack has a girlfriend. Does he have a girlfriend?" I asked myself.

"The real question is: does Corbyn have a girlfriend?" Noah asked.

I just laughed at her.

"I think Corbyn's single." I laughed.

"Is Jonah single?" Jasmine asked. I stopped laughing.

"No, not you too!" I complained.

"What are you talking about?" Noah asked.

I inhaled. "Zach likes Devinn, Devinn likes Zach, You like Corbyn, Jack likes me, I like Jack, Daniel has to like me, I have to like Daniel, Jas likes Jonah, Jonah likes Jas." I took another breath after saying all that.

"Jonah likes me??" Jasmine yelled.

"Shut up, stupid! He's in the house right now. I wasn't supposed to tell you that." I fussed.

"Why is that the part you picked up? Did you not hear what she said about Jack? She liiiiikes him." Noah teased." Wait you didn't say that Corbyn liked me back.

"What?! No I don't. Why would you think I like Jack?" I asked her, completely ignoring the last part of what Noah said.

"Jack likes me, I like Jack." Noah mocked my voice.

"Oh god. Maybe I do like Jack." I said.

"Alexis got a cruuuuush." Jasmine teased.

"You guys are lucky. Your crushes actually like you." Noah said disappointed.

"I need to go see if Daniel's ready to go." I said as I went to open the door. When I did, Jonah and Jack fell into the doorway.

"Oh my gosh, how long have you two been there?" I asked.

"Um, not long?" Jonah lied. "We actually just got here-"

"The entire time. Ever since Jasmine and Noah came in." Jack blurted out.

"I don't have time for this." I said as I walked out.

"Let's get this over with." Daniel said before he walked out the house. I rolled my eyes and went to the car.

He drove to the park, where we were instructed to go on a date. We got out and started walking on the trail, where people would most definitely see us. We started having people look at us. To make it look more convincing, he put his arm around me.

"Umm, Alexis?" Daniel spoke up.

"Yeah?"I looked up at him.

"I'm sorry for everything I said. Even though we had our history, it didn't give me the right to say those things about you. I like who you are. You aren't fat stupid, dumb, nor a whore. Any of those things. I swear I won't say stuff like that anymore. You did nothing to deserve it." He apologized.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Promise." He said as he smiled at me. Our moment got ruined by our phones dinging. It was tweets from people at the park.



My Love, My Enemy, My Heart |Book 1|✔Where stories live. Discover now