The tower's cooperation

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"However you wish this to proceed, we are with you, Narcissra" told her the man, before the tower's entrance. "I remind you that he betrayed you and our master, and these previous actions suggest that he is not to be trusted. If it weren't for Altruis, the Burning Legion might already be defeated. Don't misunderstand, I am in favor of the plan, however it does not sound like he is willing to reasonable."
"I hear you, Kayn. Notwithstanding his actions, firstly I want to negotiate, not take a revenge. I'm not interested to make him into a martyr. Hopefully he will listen to reason. If not..."
"Allari and I have formulated a contingency plan just in case."
"Well then." nodded, and make her way to the capital.

Now they were finally opposite each other in the top floor, he were around two man of his own, well equipped with weapons. She did not greeted him in differ way, the entering blood elf were followed by a well trusted demon hunter, a thug death knight, and above all, next to her stood her Second Commander, as well.

"Traitor of Lord's. You didn't find a new master or already betrayed it?" She pranced smugly around with an easy gait, as a Queen, but determined attitude with deadly sharp like an assasin.

Altruis stood at the middle of the window sill sincerely glared her new looks, with unconcealed judgement on his face. Moved at ease, tactfully united his hands before his body, to present his position to the uninvited stranger. Their behave seemed as careless, as though they wouldn't tried to end each other life before. The two person were acting negotiate, while in point of fact anyhow ends this conversation, may just one of them will stand here. They were now two different side of the war even if they had the same aim, just their ways differed. May in other situation they could cooperating, but this time, was impossible let bygones be bygones.

"I have always lived my life directly beside leaders." started to speak the night elf peacefully. "I watched them while they ruled, fight their battles, listened to my advices, and watched them, when they did not, then lost and die. Had never been in my interest to being a traitor, I don't want the power, I don't care who they call their leader, until its methods stay within humanity."
"It's clearly then, Lord Illidan's was not, because you said that. Don't you think, thought of only one man has a quite little right for commit treason, and leave with impunity?"
"Illidan no longer controlled his powers. He lost his mind and murdered their own people because of some invented sacrifice, to obtain more and more power from them, to become Elune knows what. Made a monster from himself, just like you did. You walk down this dark path, as well, Narcissra. And there is no turning back from this."

The girl's back straighten up and relentlessly stated her belief.

"My only will to defeat my enemys. This is the Illidari whole purpose of their existence."
"So you wanna start a war."
"Just a fool does not see war is already here. Half of Azeroth fallen, but there still people who don't understand there are not so many method." The broad hint was unambiguous, and it was equal with an attack.
"And tell me, master of methods, what's yours? Incorporating with the enemy and become one of them? Forced your own people to do as your blind loyality dictate? Let them suffer then send them to die in degeneration? Nothing is saint to you, is it?"

The girl decided to ignored him and his annoyingly arrogance, and toddled to the windows of the tower instead.

"Are you alfraid to die, Altruis?" said after a little silence. 

Thousands of people stood in the camp, she can hear the crowd's voices. Thousands of her own, who either choose and become a demon hunter or die cowardly, something or other promised suffering. But yet they had a chance to fight for a better world for the afterwards.

"No one would choose death on its own." splitted his voice in her thoughts.
"Death" smirked. "Death would be a mercy to a kind of suffered body." said she lightly. "But I live to serve the Illidari. I have sacrificied everything for it. What have you done?"

The man looked on the looming presence of the blood elf with a critical eye in the silence. He saw all to well her sacrificies, the crimson members, with in emerald glowing lines on the body, not to mention the bandage on her face, which were covering the eyes, with certainly a reason.

"I serve the people. Everything I've done was on behalf of them." said, then started to stare the two bestial horns, which has standing out from her skull. "But look at yourself. What have you done? You're more demon than blood elf, and it's not better than which you consort with. I see no difference between you now. You'd rather sacrifice your own people, as well, than think about a possible decent way..."

"This isn't some paltry war of factions Altruis" interrupted him sharply. "This is the Burning Legion we are dealing with. Lives will always be lost and sacrifices are required if you even want to stand a chance. The Legion will not rest, will not eat and will never stop, it will strike when you least expect, and take everything and everyone. And demons don't give a damn about your innocence." added furiously. "Against such an enemy, the only chance of even fighting them is to be like them, to see from their point of view. In decent way you can't win against dishonour in a dishonoured battle. For that reason, orders like paladins, priests and others who are not willing to sacrificies everything, are doomed to be destroyed, their faith will give them a moment to breathe, but they will be annihilited in the end." after a moment silence her voice turned deeper. "Therefore we are the true orders, the only one who can stand against the Legion, because we do not have this emotional, pathetic weakness." spitted the words out. "We are the ones prepared. We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation."


No moves, no noises. The night elf let himself a discreet look around. In the room the majority were in her side, he were enclosed by warriors with monstreous appearance - the Light knows what are they capable of with this strange power - as a foregone conclusion. There were no need for a proof, he was not fool enough to think he would have a chance. They were bowed to their already chosen one, however she was not a Queen, to give orders, consequently there remained only one possible reason.


Not in any gods, legends, or birtrights, in herself, after they did see, what things she could done, even she showed them her world, what was waiting for them in the future. And above all, Kayn Sunfury would not stand beside someone in vain.

He glanced resignedly to the people below them, and already made a decision in himself. If they can believe in these way, as well, he has no right to take away from them the oppurtinity of free choice. If he really serve the folk, and act for the sake of them, he had to let them decide about their own life, making their own choices. He did not feel right about it, this was still against his principle, however there was no right answer in this situation. 

"As a former advisor, I hold your will in respect. I'll stand down, but ask you the choice for free leaving, as well, as your man, I'd rather not live in this kind of world. My kind of morality would not let me reconciled to this."
"In that case, you would be banished." said she dryly.
"I accept that."

Although he wasn't look at her, because he did not want to see a smirk, or any of satisfaction, her face was not a thing, of which he could read off any ot that. It was her turn to be reasonable. They had and will enough war outside, it would unnecessary create a new one. She was not a tyrant, and did not to be seems like that in the people's eyes, as well.

"You are in a respectable position, as an advisor and as a commander, I admit that." said with straight head, non-comittally voice. "For that reason, you have the right for free leaving. You hold my decision in respect, I'll hold yours, you have my word." stepped closer, until the blood elf was a step away from him. 

The man looked at her, and as if he saw a rational mery in her face. 

"I liberate you from under the Illidari's obligation." smiled the girl kindly. "You are free now, Altruis the Sufferer." 

Then raised a leg, and kicked the man across the sill. 

"You got your free leaving."

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