Part 4

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“What the hell do you mean, amnesia?” Standing outside in the hallway with his friend and the doctor. “I thought you said there weren’t any head injuries.”

“There weren’t any severe ones, there’s no way to tell if she did or did not hit her head. She still knows her name, and that’s good.”

“Is there anyway she can get her memory back?”

“Typically, in accidents like this, they will. But these things are subjective, she could remember you by the end of tonight, or a year from now, or…never.” Alex rubbed his face with his hands, letting out a slow, pained sigh. “I suggest though bringing in things that were important to her. Photographs, music she loved, friends, anything.”

“Right, we can do that.” But first, he wanted to make sure she couldn’t remember him.

Returning back to the room, he stood by her beside with Jack. Her eyes were still open, though she was still lying back, remembering her broken ribs. “Hey, Lizzie.” She turned her face to him, smiling a little. “Hi, you’re Alex, right?” He felt the sting of pain in his heart.

“Yeah, it’s Alex. I was going to ask, you sure you don’t remember me? What about Jack?”

“Is that Jack?” Pointing to the man beside him, who nodded in response. “No, I’m sorry. But it’s nice to meet you.” The smile that made him melt inside coming to her face, but now, it just broke his heart.

“I hope you guys don’t mind, but I’m really tired…are you going to be here tomorrow?”

“Of course.”

“Good…then I can get to know you two.” With that, she shut her eyes and settled back down into the pillows, and was out like a light.

“That must be some strong shit they’re giving her.” He commented, leaving the hospital and stepping out into the cold, air. “What day is it?”

“January second.” Alex looked at him, stunned.

“I missed the New Year?”

“I wouldn’t say you missed it, you were busy with other things. You spent it with Lizzie.”

And she can’t even remember my name. He thought to himself. “I need you to be here with me tomorrow. I’m going home and getting a few pictures and things that will hopefully make her remember.”

“You know I would. Do you want me to bring anything?”

“How about that ugly ass sweater she got you two Christmases ago?” Just thinking about the sight of the barf colored sweater with a poorly stitched reindeer with a blinking nose made them laugh, before remembering just how serious this situation was.

“I’ll bring it.”

“I’ll call her parents.”

Hazel was having a fit, and said they would on the road as soon as they could. When he asked if they could bring any of her old things, she said she would pack up everything she could and bring it down for him.

Back at the house, Alex rummaged through the bookcase with Sebastian at his side, laying down on the floor and watching as his owner opened and closed thick books whose pages were stuck together, taking out Polaroids and pictures of them together. It was nearly midnight when he finally realized how hungry he was, and got up, shuffling to the fridge and opening it. There wasn’t much, but there was a plate of food, covered in Cling wrap that had a pink post-it note stuck to it. MY LEFTOVERS. NOT YOURS, BUB. Written in her careful handwriting.

Swallowing, he grabbed a few things and made a sandwich instead before getting back to work. He had a stack of photographs, and his guitar. He figured maybe, maybe if he played her a song, she would remember. Sitting down and looking at the pictures, there was one of them behind the set at a show. They were both a sweaty mess, her make up running down her face. They were kissing, his hands wrapped around the woman’s thin waist, and her hands resting against his cheeks. From the side the picture was taken, there was a diamond on her ring finger.

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