Chapter 3

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The nurse retrieved Dr. McNamara, who poked her fingers with a needle and looked back to Alex. “There isn't a response, it had to have been a muscle spasm.”

“But...” Alex bit his lip, looking down at her. The swelling had gone down on her eyes, now only a yellowish-green and black surrounding the orbs, and the small cuts were starting to heal as well. The doctor came to the side he was on, looking at him softly. “I'm sorry, I really am. She's young, and this should not happen to anyone. In situations like this, you cannot get your hopes up at every little glimmer. It is a nice thought, but in her condition...” His voice faded, looking back to the monitors that were keeping her alive. “Just give it time.”

He would wait forever and a day if he had too. And so the waiting continued.

People came and went, left cards and flowers, her parents came and stayed every day, staying as long as they could until work related problems told Jacob to come back. “I hate to leave you like this,” sobbed Hazel, her face buried in the crook of Alex's neck, clutching the back of his shirt which her tears now stained. “Please, please call us if anything changes. Oh my god, Alex, I'm so sorry.” She continued as he patted her back, trying to keep himself composed.

There had been so much crying, it reminded him of when his brother passed away.

It scared him that he might lose her. “I promise I will, you guys are just ten hours away, right?”

“We would make it here in half that if you called and said she woke up.” Her father added. They said their goodbyes and the woman was the first to leave the room, but Jacob stayed behind, extending his hand. When the younger male grabbed it, he was pulled into a firm hug, surprised more than anything. “Stay strong. One of us has too.” And he could hear the break in his voice; the sorrow of a father who was unsure if his daughter was going to live.

Padding over to the bedside, he bent down and kissed his daughter's head. “Mary Elizabeth Gaskarth, I love you so much.” Whispering the words, he gave his son-in-law another hug before leaving, trying to hide the streams running down his age worn face. And the waiting game ensued all over again, but this time, he was alone.

Jack came by again around four in the afternoon, toting an Arby's bag and pulled out a burger. “I figured you could use a break from the hospital grade crap.”

“It's actually not too bad,” taking a bite from his unwrapped burger, pausing. “Then again, I haven't had real food in nearly two and a half weeks.” The guitarist snorted, pulling up a chair and ate with him. “I still remember how you two met, and the first date that ensued.”

“Oh my god, you love telling that story, huh?”

“What's not to love?”

There was a new coffee shop that had opened up on a cozy street, and Jack had been pestering Alex to take him there. And now inside, he seemed fairly content. “Wouldn't it be hilarious if they played Coffeeshop Soundtrack in here?”

Could get anymore cliché?” Walking up to the counter, that's when the clerk turned around.

Hi! Welcome to New Star's Coffee, what can I get for you?” Though the brunette was more interested in the girl. Long, curly red hair that framed her face perfectly, a swooping bang over her eye, freckles that covered her nose and high cheeks, puffy lips and a slightly hooked nose, and bright, hazel colored eyes. “Hey, I love the hair.” Raising a skinny index finger to Jack.

“Thanks, I'll just have a latte, what about you?” Elbowing his friend who had been seemingly in a trance. “Oh, uh, what he's having.” The girl who's named tag read MARY ELIZABETH :) laughed and wrote it down. “Okay, I'll have it right out for you guys. Anything else?”

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