Chapter 5

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It was the day of her discharge, after spending nearly an extra week in the hospital for tests that he insisted upon to make sure she was okay, they sat in the lobby. Mary Elizabeth in her wheel chair, looking around and marveling at how big the hospital was. Biting his tongue as he watched her, he wanted nothing more than to just hear her say her signature phrase, but that wasn't going to happen. “Alex?” Her good arm reached out and touched his leg, making him jump a little and snap the man back from the day dream. “Yes?”

“I know I don't remember you, but...I want too. You said you're my husband and I...I want to remember that. Do you think we could, I don't know, start over?” The singer blinked several times, thinking if he heard her right while the woman's eyes fell to the polished floor. “I understand if you think it would be too much w-”

“No, I'll do everything I can.” A smile tugged at the corners of either side of her lips, turning up into the most heart melting one he had ever seen besides the one at their wedding. The absolute embodiment of happiness behind those red lips of hers. She didn't have to say anything else.

Jacob exited the elevator at the back of the hospital, approaching them and sitting down beside the brunette and looking at them. “We rented a house down here, and you'll be staying with us, is that okay?”

“Of course, daddy.” Smiling at him, turning when Hazel came up behind her.

“Ready to go?”

“Yep!” Getting up to follow them, the older male grabbed his son-in-law's wrist, making him sit back down. “Listen, we're staying down here for you two. I want nothing more than for her to remember what she had with you. It'll be easier on all of us, she won't remember Oklahoma, and maybe if you take her around, the sights or something will jog her memory.” He could hear the shaking in the old man's voice. “I'll do my best, I promise.”

Standing up with him, they stood there for a moment before he was pulled into a hug. It was strong, a little too tight and he could smell the old spice cologne her father wore. No words were said, and it ended a few moments later. Walking out in the cold January air, Alex approached the wheel chair, bending down and giving her a hug. “When you're feeling up to it, would you like to go on a date with me, Lizzie?”

“I would love that.”

Two Months Later:

“Alex!” She piped as soon as she opened the door, standing there with her crutches tucked underneath her arm pits. He smiled, watching her hobble out on stiff crutches that she was getting used to. Her wrist had healed up nicely, and Alex had visited her everyday. It was only March, but she insisted on wearing a dress. A cute yellow Spring dress that stopped just above her knees, showing off the brace that was now attached to her leg. Seeing it made the man's head dizzy, thinking back to the night and realizing how he lost everything he knew that night.

Closing the door behind her, she tugged the cream colored cardigan around her body and shivered a little. “Ready?” He had arranged a date with her, the previous month, and she was giving small jokes about dating a “big time singer”. It was adorable, really.

“Yeah, let me help you,” but she playfully batted his hand away.

“I'm a big girl!” Hobbling her way rather expertly to the stairs and looked down at them, and back to Alex. “Okay, I need your help now.” He also found it a little funny how without most of her memories, she was still Mary Elizabeth, the girl he fell in love with. He helped her tromp down the small, stone stair cases and into the car, where she readily buckled her seat belt and waited for him to tell her where they were going.

“It's a secret.”

She pouted.

It was a quiet drive over, mostly her leaning over and oggling at all the sights. She hadn't been out of the rent house in quite a while, learning to use her crutches and this was the first time she had actually ever been out. Her parents said things were coming back in pieces, she was starting to remember her brothers and where she grew up, but she still could not place Alex's face. She did, however, mention a month ago that his cologne smelled familiar.

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