Chapter 6

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They all got on the horses, they had a smiled on there faces, they just sat there on the horses soaking it all in.

"This feels good, it's been too long," said Jason.

"It does feel good, it feels free, make me feel like a kid again, it's a good day to be indigenous," smiled Edward.

"Enough talking lets go," Victor yanking on the reins in anger.

So they all started to head out.

"He almost felt it, I know he did," whispered Edward to Jason.

"He did feel it, he is hard to read sometimes," said Jason.

"Maybe your brother is realizing he is getting in touch with his native side and it scares him," said Yellow Bird.

"He knows he is, that why he gets angry or lashes out," said Edward.

"Oh," said Yellow Bird.

Finally, the horse came to a stop when they reached the flat surface of a mountain, they got off the horses.

"This is where you wanted to take us," said Victor patting the horse.

The horse nodded his head as if he understood Victor. So they started looking around the top and then looked out on the valley floor.

"Wow, you can see for miles up here," said Jason.

"Wow young pony, you know your way around this place," said Victor patting the horse and looking out on the open. When he looked down on the valley floor he saw 5 people just walking on the trail.

"Hey look, those must be the people who destroyed your favorite spot," said Victor.

"We should go meet them," said Jason.

"I don't know, maybe we should tell Henry and Robert first, we don't know if they are friendly or dangerous people, we're just kids, besides they would see us coming down and probably run from us," said Yellow Bird.

"I'm sure they will still be here on the ranch," said Jason.

"Let's go back to Uncle Henry's place and tell them we found the people," said Edward.

So they all got back on the horses and rode down the hill towards Henry's place. When they arrived Henry, Maggie and their mother were sitting out on the porch, the two yellow dogs came running up to greet them.

"Uncle Henry, I think we found the people who trashed Yellow Birds favorite spot," said Edward.

"Really," said Henry.

"Yeah, we went up to the mountain trail with the horses and looked down from where we were and Victor spotted them," said Yellow Bird.

"You did, maybe they are still on the ranch," said Henry.

"Yeah I think they are still on the ranch, they were walking on the valley floor," said Jason.

"Well let's go get them," said Victor.

"First let's go down to the mess hall and ask Robert to come with us he may have another solution instead of us going and pretending to be the law," said Henry.

So Henry, Maggie, and the boy's mother got on the mules and the kids followed behind on the horses. They tied up the horses on the posts and walked into the mess hall.

"Robert the kids found some people who broke inside the Ranch without pay or permission," said Henry.

"Really, well let's call the rangers and have them come up here and check it out, anybody could climb over and get in, but it's a long walk to get here," said Robert.

"That is true," said Henry.

So Robert called the Rangers.

"Let's see if we can find them again," said Victor rushing out.

"Wait, it's too dangerous, we will wait for the rangers to get here, then we will go, it will be safer if we had more people and law," said Henry.

"That must be them coming," said Edward looking out.

"Yes, it is," said Henry walking out of the mess hall to greet them.

"You guys be careful," said Maggie.

"We will aunt Maggie, no worries, I'll protect them," said Edward.

"I know you will," said Maggie.

So they went to go meet the rangers.

"Greeting rangers," said Henry.

"Hello, we understand you have trespasses here," said the ranger getting out of his truck.

"We sure do, the boys here and Yellow Bird found them on the trail," said Henry.

"Well let's saddle up and head out before they really get lost or injured," said the ranger.

So they saddled up the horses and headed down the dirt road.

"Look, Uncle Henry," tracks," said Edward pointing.

"We are going the right way, it is starting to get late, we better unload and camp out," said Henry.

"You mean we get to sleep outside like Indians," Edward said with excitement.

"Yes," said Henry.

"How long since you have slept under the stars?" asked Yellow Bird.

"Way too long," said Jason.

"Great," said Victor rolling his eyes.

So they kept riding until the sun started to settle, they came to a clearing on the valley floor and tied the horses up to a tree and started making pallets. Victor was already done so he decided to explore some more and started to climb.

"Be careful don't go too far, it's dangerous," said Robert.

"I won't," said Victor.

So, he started to climb, he saw some boulders that you could probably hide behind, so he wanted to check it out. As he was climbing up, he was near the boulders, he slowly looked behind and noticed the ground below was disturbed. They must have made a fire. Then he looked up and saw more footprints going upward.

So he climbed further up. When he reached the top it was a flat surface so he started walking around, then he spotted the people hiking up the mountain by moonlight and vanishing on the side of the mountain. There must have been a cave up there, he thought to himself.

"What is that kid doing?" asked Edward.

"I have no Idea, but he better get back here," said Jason.

Victor just stared into the directions those people vanished. Henry whistled, Victor had it and came down back to the campsite.

"Well, what did you find?" asked Edward.

"I saw people about a mile from where we are camped, they started the climb and they disappeared into the side of the mountain," said Victor.

"It could be a cave, we have plenty of them around here and good hiding spots," said Robert.

"Maybe if we get up early enough and catch them, there'll be safe with us and no charges will be pressed against them," said Henry.

"We Should get some sleep then," said the ranger laying down on his pallet.

So they all went to sleep hearing the wolves howl. 

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