Chapter 8

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"Well that went well," said Henry.

"Those poor kids," said Maggie.

"I know, no apperception from the kids," said mother.

"I know it's sad," said Robert.

"Well let's finish eating," said Henry.

"Guys come back inside and finish eating," said mother.

So, they came back in and finished eating, they started talking, laughing and telling jokes, Victor didn't seem amused by the jokes they were not funny. So, when they were finished, the boys and their mother went to the house. As they pulled up to the house the horses were near the fence line.

"What is up with you and that horse?" asked Jason.

"I don't know all these horses are free ranged anyway, they come up to the house all the time," said Victor.

"Yeah but this horse is something special "hoksila" (boy) said Edward in the Lakota language.

"Yeah," said Jason walking up to the gate.

"I think the horses just like you," said mother.

So they walked through the gate and went inside. Victor went to his room while Jason and Edward sat on the couch watching tv while their mother grabbed her yellow note pad and started writing while watching tv with the boys. Victor sat down at this desk and started drawing the black horse by memory. The horse started making noise, Victor got up and looked out his window and the horse was standing by the gate. Victor opened his window and poked his head out telling the horse to be quiet.

"Shhh, it's okay, go to sleep now," said Victor closing his window and pulling the curtains back, he turned the light off and went to bed.

The next morning Yellow Bird drove up honking the horn, Jason and Edward were already on the porch drinking coffee when she pulled up. Victor woke up and looked out the window to see who it was.

"Man does any of these people ever stay asleep," said Victor.

"Hey Yellow Bird, what brings you here so early?" asked Edward.

"Henry told me to come and tell you guys that he wanted you all to come to the mess hall, he has some news," said Yellow Bird.

"Oh okay, let us get our shoes on and we will be out shortly," said Edward.

"Alright, I'll wait here," smiled Yellow Bird.

So the boys came inside to put their shoes on.

"Hey what's going on, what is the hurry?" asked Victor.

"Come on, put your shoes on, Yellow Bird is here, Uncle Henry wants us to meet him at the mess hall, it sounds like he might have a job for us to do," said Jason.

"Oh," said Victor going back to his room to put his shoes on.

"We are headed out, Yellow Bird is here," said Edward in the doorway.

"Alright be careful," said mother.

"We will," said Edward running off the porch. He made an Indian choker for Yellow Bird the same design and color as the one he is wearing, she smiled he came and put it on for her.

So they all got in the mule and Yellow Bird turned the mule around and drove off. As she was driving to the mess hall, the black horse was following them.

"Will you look at that," said Robert looking out the window.

"What?" asked Henry.

"That black horse followed them," said Robert.

"Maybe the horse wants to come as well," said Henry.

"Do you have room in the horse trailer?" asked Robert.

"Yes we do, for one more passenger," smiled Steve.

So they parked the mules got off.

"Oh my goodness, that horse followed us here," said Yellow Bird.

"What," said Edward turning around.

"Will you look at that," smiled Edward.

"He followed us," said Victor.

"Let's go inside and see what Uncle Henry wants us to do today," said Jason.

So they all walked inside the mess hall.

"Morning guys, I cooked breakfast," said Robert.

"Thank you," said Edward.

"So what's with the horse trailer," asked Edward eating.

"Well, I have a friend who raises buffalo, he lets them grade on his ranch, so now he needs to rustle them up into a pen, he does not have a lot of men to help with herding them back to his place, so I thought it would be a good opportunity for you guys," said Henry.

"For real, Uncle we are going to herd buffalo, that is so cool, we haven't seen a buffalo in a long time," said Jason.

"When do we start?" asked Edward with excitement.

"Right after breakfast, it looks like that black horse is coming with us as well," said Henry.

"I know, I can't believe that horse followed us all the way here," said Jason.

"Me too," said Henry.

They all finished eating and loaded up into Henry's truck, Henry loaded the horses and they were off to another ranch.

"Uncle Henry do we have to saddle the horses, or can we ride bareback? Asked Edward.

"I don't know, I would prefer you did ride with a saddle, and I know you guys are very good at riding bareback as well, but it could be dangerous," said Henry.

"We will be careful I promise, we use to do it all that time when we are growing up on the rez," said Edward.

"Alright, but you all be very careful," said Henry.

"Yes, sir we will," said Edward.

So they arrived at the ranch when they got closer, Henry honked his horn and Henry's friend came out of the house.

"Wow, he looks like a real cowboy," said Edward.

Victor just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, but he's a native cowboy," laughed Henry.

"Wait, that's a native?" asked Jason.

"Yes," said Henry.

"You don't see that every day, or even heard of a native cowboy, so what tribe?" asked Edward.

"He is part of the Yankton Sioux tribe," said Henry.

"Oh we are almost related," smiled Jason.

"Yeah," said Henry getting out of the truck.

"Hau" (hello), Henry welcome," said Sam Hide in the Lakota language.

"Hello Sam, I brought help with me," said Henry.

"Oh good, I could use some more helpers," said Sam.

"This is Edward, his brother Jason and their little brother Victor, my nephews and this is Yellow Bird, she works for me," said Henry.

"Haw" (Hello) welcome," said Sam in the Lakota language.

"Thank you, we're excited to be here, I told my uncle it has been a while since we have seen a buffalo," said Edward.

"Yes I know," said Sam.

"You do?" asked Jason.

"Yes, your uncle and I are good friends, he talks about you boys all the time especially when you all were young," said Sam.

"Alright let's unload the horse," said Henry. 

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