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as soon as he had received the address, he ran. wooyoung ran straight to san's house. he didn't know what yunho had meant by "don't be too shocked" but he knew it wasn't good.

when he had gotten to san's house the drive way had been empty.

he made his way to the front door knowing it'd be unlocked (due to yunho informing him). the said boy had also told him which room was san's. wooyoung sprinted up the steps and into the boys room to find an empty bed.

"where the hell..." before he could finish, he noticed the open door that was attached to the boys room. assuming it was the bathroom, he decided to check.

walking in he saw something he hadn't expected to see.

"so this is what he meant..." he whispered.

san was leaning against the wall furthest from the door with bleeding wrists. he hadn't noticed the other until wooyoung had rushed to his side.

"san i'm gonna pick you up okay. it's just me, i wont hurt you."


so he did. wooyoung picked up san and layed him down on his bed. he then went back to the bathroom to search for an aiding kit.

after finding what he was looking for he went back to the injured boy.

"this is gonna sting. just bear with me." wooyoung very lightly began cleaning to boys wounds. there had only been 2 open cuts, but after he cleaned up the boy's wrists, he noticed there were more that had already healed.

out of curiosity he checked his other wrist finding the same amount of healed cuts.

"what're you going through that's causing you to hurt yourself? you're too pure for this cold world."

it had been an hour and san had finally fully woken up.

"w-wooyoung? what're you doing here? how'd you get here? why am i in my bed?" to say the boy was scared and confused was an understatement. how did wooyoung find his house? was his dad home? what's going on?

"san it's okay. i'm not gonna hurt you, okay? you're safe. yunho told me to come here after you didn't answer and holy fuck i'm glad i did. you don't have to tell me anything. i know you probably don't trust me but just know that i'm here if you need to talk okay? i'll always be here."

by now san was crying. why was this boy being so nice to him? he didn't deserve it. he's just a piece of shit. a waste of space. someone who doesn't need to be in this world anymore.

even though he felt all of this and trusted nobody, he felt he could tell wooyoung everything.

"c-can i tell y-you.."

"of course"

so he did. san told wooyoung, someone he never thought he'd ever talk to, everything about him. about his mother, about his sexuality, about jackson, about his father, even the abuse. just everything.

and because of this wooyoung engulfed the other in a bone crushing hug. but it didn't bother him. it made him feel safe. he liked it.



"you're moving in with me."

bad habits ; woosanWhere stories live. Discover now