Ch. 1

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Date: January 9th
[Izuku's POV]-Time: 6:39 a.m


I woke up, turning to the other side of my bed, and glanced at my alarm which read 6:39. Monday mornings; something that make me shiver at just the thought of it. Not because I hate school, but because of the torment I get from school. Although things have been better after I transferred to U.A, Katsuki has been constantly reminding me that I'm a freak, even with a quirk.

But the quirk has helped me in U.A. I sighed, and pulled myself up from my safe haven to get dressed. After reluctantly pulling on my uniform and getting my bag, I headed out to school while ignoring the fact it was 6:47. In past times, I remember when I was always optimistic and cheerful. It's not like I don't have the ability to be happy, I'm still happy when I'm with Ochako, Tenya, and Shōto, but I've realized there's no point anymore. In High school, you're either popular, looked down upon, in the middle, or bullied. Sadly, I was a target of bullying.

[Katsuki's POV] - Time: 7:04 a.m

"Ugh...where is our fucking teacher? It's already seven o' clock for god damn sake!" I shouted. School is fucking hell, and we aren't even doing anything. If we aren't even going to learn in this fucking place, why can't we leave?! "Chill, Mr. Aizawa is probably sleeping in that yellow bag in the nurses office or something," Shitty hair said to me. I groaned. It's only seven o' clock and the day seems shitty. What's funny is that Deku seems more annoyed than me; his head buried into his arms while he's lying on his desk.

"Alright class..." Mr. Aizawa came into the class, dragging a yellow sleeping bag behind him. His voice sounded so monotone, that it could be replaced by a robot, and nobody would know the difference.  "I'll take attendance. Let's start." The same tone replied, while all the other students dimmed their voices.

[Izuku's POV] - Time: 9:27 a.m
We're training out in the field. We're seeing how far we could throw baseballs again. I remember the first time I had done it on my first day here; striking approximately 705 meters. I was someone different those days. I was optimistic, determined, and I used every single bit of power inside of me that day to stay standing. Now, I didn't care about what I did anymore. I had no temptation to live. No temptation to try anymore. It took me years to realize there was no point to life, except to torture you until you broke. My diary had everything in it. Everything planned out for me.

Izuku's 12th page—diary]
January 8th: Cut, 5 marks-✔️

January 13th: Cut, 6 marks-

January 18th: Cut, 7 marks-

January 23rd: Cut, 8 marks-

January 28th: Cut, 9 marks-

February 2nd: Cut, 10 marks-

February 7th: Cut, 11 marks-

February 12th: Cut, 13 marks-

February 17th: Cut, 14 marks-
Finish date: |Not done yet|

March 5th: Death date

[Izuku's POV]

"Alright, Midoriya, it's your turn to throw."
I hadn't realized I was daydreaming for so long. I had just been staring into space. Mr. Aizawa passed me a baseball, and pointed where I would aim. With almost no effort, I threw my ball at the sky, while Mr. Aizawa held a device to measure how many meters I threw the ball.

[976 meters]

I heard the class gasp, and start chattering about my score. Katsuki glared at me. I went to the back of the line, and yet again let my mind wander. I know that nobody would be able to pass my distance besides Ochako, but I didn't care. I didn't try. And it would stay that way.

This school repeats things like that. Every day we would have attendance, and then train outside. After Mr. Aizawa picks something for us to do, we just do it without any choice on if we want to or not. Then All Might teaches us about our powers, and we do training with him too. Not once have I heard them ever talk about Math or Writing.

I have my own repeated things too though. Everyday during lunch Katsuki would somehow bully me when no teacher is watching. It's not like they would care anyway. After years of his torment I gave up on trying to befriend him yet again. We would go our separate ways without a word, or a word from him looking down on me. But I'm used to it.
Everyday after school he would find some way to mentally rip me apart, and if it had to be physically, he would without any hesitation. It's hard to see how one person could drive you to suicide, but the torment has been repeated for years and years. And I know not one time has he ever felt guilt, or remorse for his actions. If you have to be reminded how useless and worthless you are every single day, it can get to you. I just stoped caring after a while.

When I get home everyday, I drown my pain with a pack of cigarettes or beer. I know that everyone secretly hates me. I know it's not just Katsuki. On the inside, even though everyone seems so nice, but I hear the voices inside of my head; reminding me. Every five days I use my best friend, my razor, to help slice my skin. It looks painful, but it feels like I'm cutting through all of the stress that builds up inside of me.

Nobody had cared for me,
Nobody had stopped me,
Nobody will care for me.
Nobody will stop me.

Because nobody acknowledges something that is invisible

[1073 words]

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