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The drive that hot afternoon started slowly. It was a bit crowded and traffic was thicker in the heart of Luyten's Delhi. As Annika navigated their way towards India Gate, memories of a not so distant evening flooded her. She looked fondly towards the shallow green pools of water at a distance. What an unforgettable day it was, a day the left her with memories of the fragrance of the first rains when mother earth enveloped those eager rain drops in her bosom, memories of a happy pinwheel, a happy memory of bygone happiness.

Shivaay was somber, he did not speak much, not until they hit Janpath.

"Rudy is in trouble. He saw Bade Papa with with Ms Kapoor. One bad move and so many consequences. Now I will have to calm him down and make sure he gets back to Mumbai to finish exams. As such he is poor in his studies and now he has this excuse too. Damn it. Bade Papa, Damn."

He banged his fist on the steering wheel. He moved his arm away as to land his fist once again on the wheel, that Annika slipped her hand on the wheel, instinctively. Obviously the soft of her hand reduced the impact on his hand from the blow. Annika for the first time, felt the intensity of his anger, physically. Her jaws tightened and face contorted in pain momentarily. Realizing what he had done, he slammed the breaks as he pulled over to the side.

"Are you crazy? Why would you do something this crazy?" He yelled, wild, like a feral animal wronged.

She withdrew her hand and balled her fingers into a tight fist hoping for the sharp pain to abate. She put up a brave face and looked away. But what she did not know was that the feral animal next to her would not allow her to look away. She felt a strong tug at her balled fist followed by a forceful straightening of her curled up fingers. She tried to pull away her hand, but his grip was firm.

"Are you crazy? What were you even thinking?" He yelled at her.

Annika looked away, her effort to appear strong forced her to breath as normally as possible but the pain seemed to obstruct it in multiple places. All she needed to do was shake it off wildly, scream, jump around but she could not have done any of those that very moment. After all she had to be the 'strong girl' she always thought she was.

"Are you out of your senses Annika. Look what you did to yourself." Shivaay continued as he massaged her palms gently with the tips of his fingers as if he was handling something very fragile, just like a novice parent cluelessly handled the first of his toddler's 'boo boo's

One look at him and Annika could not hold back a mysterious smile. It was his angry fist on her hand, now it was his gentle fingers on her hand. Yelling was complimentary. She looked away again trying to hide her smile.

"Now what? Why are you smiling. I just punched in you in your palm, and you are laughing? You are crazy Annika." He was still yelling at her.

Annika turned around and tried to jerk her hand from his grip but it was too firmly entrenched in his grip.

"Bear a punch and yelling comes free free free.." Annika mocked him complete with drama and a cheap jingle to boot.

Her eyes twinkled and the glint in the feral animal's hazel eyes softened.

"I...I am sorry Annika. But you are crazy. Why did you come between me and my anger. Don't do it ever again. I might inadvertently hurt you and that is the last thing I would want." He said remorsefully. "But NEVER EVER come between me and my anger" as if he was warning what she was getting into.

She flashed a knowing smile at him. She knew, she could not help it, just like this time. She could not help that impulsive reaction, that protective instinct that came to her naturally.

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