Annika had long lost her sense of time in the air conditioned hospital cocoon even as the blazing summer sun hovered in the sky seemingly forever. Her medications meant that a part of her was drowsy, though she was very much awake when a knock on the door shook her drowsy part awake. Something had irrevocably changed, she found herself perpetually waiting for something, someone, a strange unnamed pang pricking at her. Nothing was desirable any more, be it banter with Sumo, Om or Rudy's jokes. It was always the knock that made her heart skip a beat, often, it only let her down. This knock she would found out later was different. She cast a wide eyed glance filled with anticipation as usual and she was not disappointed. In walked Shivaay with a yellow rose in his hand straight towards her. Her delight must have lit up her face, since his work beaten face contagiously caught the reflection of her happiness in his own broad glowing smile the very instant he set his sight upon her..
Om who sat close to Annika reading his book looked up at Shivaay but it was obvious that Shivaay's interest was only the girl in front of him and Om like a decent man went back to his book trying to make himself as inconspicuous as possible. Rudy and Sumo too grew quiet, not out of indifference but out of muted curiosity, not blatantly watching the two brand new lovers yet picking up every other signal possible.
Pulling her bed upright, Shivaay, handed over the rose to Annika and bent forward to give her a peck on the forehead that Annika stopped him, her rose clutching hand at his chest preventing him from getting any closer.
Shivaay was taken aback, his furrowed brows gave Annika a quizzical look. He could not comprehend what had changed since the previous evening's peck. Annika gestured towards the two younger people in the room and Shivaay stepped back.
"Rudy your guitar has been delivered and your motorbike will be delivered tomorrow" Shivaay announced.
"You are the best Bhiayya. I will hug you later for this. For now you can continue, we are not watching." Rudy spoke aloud.
"Shut up Rudy" Om reprimanded Rudy without as much as looking up.
"It is alright O. We are not interested in Old people's romance. We have better things to do." Rudy again answered without looking towards Shivaay or Annika.
"Old people? " Sumo thought she misheard Rudy.
"What else Sumo, Shivaay bhaiyya and hopefully one-day-future-Bhabhi are old people. "
"Hopefully one-day-future-Bhabhi? Why would you say that?" Sumo did not get Rudy's tangent.
"What else but that? For Shivaay bhaiyya to accept his feelings, Annika Didi had to get stabbed by muggers. For Annika didi to confess her feelings, she had to be on a hospital bed unable to even move around on her own feet. Now by the time they take their relationship to the next level, they will be quite old, with grey hair. For Annika didi to officially become my bhabhi it will probably be only in our next life. That is why hopefully future bhabhi. " Rudy explained to Sumo.
"What rubbish Rudy. Focus on you paper" Sumo awkwardly tried to make the two people in love comfortable.
"Continue Shivaay bhaiyya we are not interested in your romance. We young people like action, adventure. If it were to be someone young and dashing like me, by now I would have proposed, kissed and ...a lot more..." Rudy declared "right Sumo?" he tried to humor Sumo
Sumos Jaws dropped. "Obviously no! Which planet do you live in? " She stared at Rudy with disbelief at his flippant declaration.
"Why Sumo, don't tell me you have not had such kind of fun." Rudy continued frivolously.
"Of course not" Sumo answered flabbergasted "Why would I indulge in such stupidity?
"Studipidy? It is cool Sumo..and so much fun" Rudy poked the tip of Sumo's nose with his finger.

Once Upon a University Campus
FanfictionA Shivika story that started on a University campus. They thought they were as different as chalk and cheese, but were they? Read along to find out. Cover credit @tashu_123