Mandarin Threat: Battle of Rose Hill

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Seeking information, Stark set up a meeting with the mother of recently killed Extremis-infected soldier Chad Davis. Arriving outside the bar where he had been told he could find Davis, only to bump into Ellen Brandt, who complimented Stark on his Dora the Explorer watch, which he proudly noted was limited edition while also complimenting Brandt.

Inside, Stark soon found Mrs. Davis, offering her his condolences for the death of her son. To Stark's surprise, Davis handed him a file on her son's work with A.I.M. which he had not asked for, which held key information regarding her son's death and showing that he had worked along with Jack Taggart. Stark told Davis that he believed her son did not commit suicide but was instead used as a weapon, at which point Davis realized Stark was not who she expected.

Stark and Davis were then interrupted by Brandt; who revealed she was the one who had contacted Davis and attempted to arrest Stark. When the Rose Hill Sheriff attempted to stop this and questioned what was happening, Brandt then claimed to be Homeland Security before she suddenly used her Extremis powers to murder the Sheriff while Davis hid the file and Stark ran out, still handcuffed. Outside, Stark encountered Eric Savin forcing him to run for his safety.

As Stark ran, Harley Keener threw a snowball to distract Savin before he could shoot him. Followed by Brandt into a restaurant, Stark was forced to fight against the highly trained Brandt with no weapons to defend himself. As they fought, Stark noticed that Brandt could heal from most injuries and could super-heat anything she touched, using this to burn through his handcuffs. Stark bought himself time to set up a bomb by igniting some fuel to block Brandt's way.

While Davis walked through the flames, Stark put Chad Davis' dog tag in the microwave and exposed some gas. As she stepped inside, Stark joked that he had dated hotter girls than Brandt, who was currently on fire, with Brandt questioning if those would be his final words. Stark told Brandt that those words could be the title of his autobiography before fleeing outside and hiding behind an ice machine. An explosion then erupted, killing Brandt.

As Stark recovered from his fight with Brandt, he suddenly witnessed Eric Savin using his own Extremis powers to bring a water-tower crashing down, trapping Stark underneath all of the debris. Savin held Harley Keener hostage in order to regain Davis' file, but Stark reminded Keener about his flash grenade he had given Keener from the Mark XLII Armor; this allowed Keener to get away before Stark was able to blast Savin with a secret spare repulsor.

Stealing Savin's car keys from his pocket, Stark commandeered his car, taking off with the file from Mrs. Davis. As Stark prepared to leave, he was followed by Keener who insisted that Stark thank him for saving him from Savin, but Stark insisted that Keener instead go home to his mom and protect the Mark XLII armor until Stark had contacted him. As he leaved, Stark did thank Keener for all his help but teased him as he drove out of Rose Hill, leaving Keener.

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