Matts mistake and Nash's rescue

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"Abi come on we are gonna be late for our double date with Amelié and Jack!"

"Sorry just brushing hair!"

She was finally done! I really do love her but sometimes, she's stressful! It was weird to think Amelié and Jack! Plus Nash's back and hasn't even bothered to call or even text, something must be wrong.

We arrived at the beach to find Amelié and Jack already there sitting on the sand laughing. They looked cute together I had to admit😂.

"Hi guys good to see you's!" I said

"Same mate!" Jack responded

Nash's POV

I was at the boardwalk by lunch and the girl was there I forgot to catch her name so it's best to introduce ourselves first.

"I'm Nash the trolley guy"

"Hi I'm Paige the nose bleed girl!"

She started to giggle it was one of those laughs where it spreads and you start laughing at that laugh.

We walked across the boardwalk to the beach we took out shoes off and strolled along the beach. We started to get to know each other a little better. Like ages (both 18) favourite colours, favourite foods. All that basic stuff. I felt like I knew her in a different life. We just connected.

We started to walk closer to the sea then a dog came out of no where it ran for Paige I pushed her out the way I wasn't going to let it hurt her. She fell and a wave took her over. It took her far out to sea...

"Help help I can't swim na-"

"Paige I'm coming!!!!"

I ran and then swam grabbed her body and brought her back to the land. She was unconcious, so I gave her mouth to mouth as she woke up it slowly turned into a kiss as she woke up, her lips were soft I lifted her up and she thanked me.

"Not the best first date eyh?" She said

"No hopefully not all will end up with you unconcious!"

"So they will be more?"

"Well er em well yeah! I mean I hope!"

"Meet me here tomorrow" Paige said

And with that she walked off

Hayes text;

Nash we need to talk Grace won't eat sleep or even talk anymore she feels to guilty for what she has done what do I say?? I know I should no the best after the incident with Ameliés dad but I don't please after your date come back I. Need some help!! 😳😳

Oh and ps does your date have a sister or a friend I'm kind of a loner at the mo...

But hurry up dweeb!!

Matts POV

We walked along the beach to the fair and grabbed some candy floss two to share. Then as we were walking back we saw Nash with some girl. He doesn't text but gets the girl. Same old Nash.

"Amelié you haven't heard from Cameron he's meant to be coming over tonight for our party. With Eve." Abi says

"No they've been going out loads recently!'

"Guys I have to go! Just remembered I need to see my mom" I said

"Okay bye"

I hated lying to them all but I really do like Abi she's so sweet and kind and funny and beautiful but I need excitement in my life some kick I need to take some risks. So I lied I'm not going to visit my mom at all... I'm going to see L--

Hope your enjoying it so far keep reading for updates😽

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