Bonus Chapter 1

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(Note: This takes place before Volume 1, Chapter 1.)

Grey was the sky, painted by slight isolation and sorrow. Everytime someone would eye a grey sky, they would mostly guess that either a rainy or stormy day is coming. The fog covered up many of the cotton clouds, and turned the sky from an artwork into a dirty blank page.

It was this time of the day that the White Fang had already begun the job of terrorizing a local village. Or atleast, they are at the middle of it.

These people had done nothing except live their lives as what they are, and had never discriminated other races before. The terrorizing faction, which consisted mostly of faunus, were clueless of the good judgments these people had for their kind.

But now was no time for them to question their judgments, and a particular objective was more important to them rather than sharing hearts with others.

This fourth of the White Fang had their own upper hand, and it wasn't the unbelievable Adam Taurus. This group's superior's rank was lower, but it wouldn't mean they won't take orders from him.

This village in Vacuo had a dustmine at the middle of it, one of the reasons the White Fang had pinned their presence here.

All the families were brought out of their houses, pulled out by the terrorist faction with no consideration. For if they decline, they'd threaten to slaughter the whole village.

Women, grandmothers, grandfathers, children, babies. All the delicate things, are now in panic and fear due to the horrific event the White Fang is conducting at this village.

Every member invaded each house and made sure there were no hidden future oppositions, they had already took some of the finest dust from the mine at the middle of the village.

Carts filled with varieties of dust had already trailed corners of the village, as the innocent villagers themselves were held back by the malicious invaders.

Collections of cries of trauma, screams of fear, and whimpers of panic are heard throughout the village like alternating currents.

A family father tries to fight back, kicking a White Fang soldier in the gut. All the other soldiers take notice of the brave opponent, and pummeled him down to the ground as they pulled him further from his family. His children screamed and cried in worry of their father, who was about to meet his death.

The one soldier kept stomping onto the man's stomach, receiving continuous yells of pain from the latter. Saliva had shot out from between the man's teeth as he shouted in pain, he only tried to fight back for the good of his family.

Another one dug the back of his rifle into the man's forehead, giving him as many bruises including a bloody one. Both soldiers were intent on completely injuring this family man, and one of his children couldn't let that happen.

So one of the man's children, his daughter, ran past the other soldiers and unhesitantly dashed to save her father. Later receiving a merciless bonk to the side of her eye from one soldier whose job was to prevent interferance, she felt the back of his rifle almost dig into her eye having her fall to the ground.

It was hopeless.

Until an armored warrior landed behind the two soldiers beating up the man, his iron feet colliding with the ground made a titanic sound that alarmed everyone. He stood his ground, his red and gold titanium glory intimidated the soldiers, who opened fire at him.

The bullets only bounced off his armor, like rain off an umbrella. He made his first strikes punching away the soldier on the left then kicked away the one on the right.

He turned his back to face the other soldiers from behind, he aimed his bright palms at them and light beams fired from his palms, blasting them away.

He turned to face the group that held down the family, he raised his palms at them but he had no chances in redemption for those ones held their gunpoint to their heads threatening to blast them.

So the armored huntsman refrained, lowering his palms and switching off his repulsors.

Then a minute was not spent, shoulder guns latched out of his armor's shoulders and put down those said White Fang members fast to sleep.

The family and that part of the town was saved. For the Iron Man came to raise up their hopes.

The children and the parents watched as the Iron Man walked towards the exterior wall of a building and dug his hand through the wall. Then when he pulled it out, a big hole was made in the wall and the boss of that group was the one pulled out like a doll.

The White Fang Upper Hand was left on the ground later sorrounded by the townsfolk, as they looked upon him with vengeance.

"He's all yours."
The Iron Man flew up and speeds away into the air like a jet. Allowing again the breezes above to entertain him in his suit.

Later being contacted by fellow Atlesian operatives.

"(Y/N) (L/N). Contacting you from Atlas Headquarters, how's your condition?" An Atlesian worker asked through the tiny phones in the helmet.

"Well, I don't know military talk. But---will 'Okay´ suffice?" (Y/N) asked and acknowledged.

"Of course."

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