Part 13 - Before The Breach

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(N/N) - Nickname


The sun was rising, and the skies brightened in order to set the day forward for the students to overcome another one. Team RWBY was somewhere out there operating in their own mission accompanied by Prf. Oobleck while your team and the rest had seemingly finished up.

Crimson yelled across the dormroom, after rummaging through the bathroom's toothbrush holder cup and found no signs of her own.

"Yeah?" The smarty-pants Bruce who loved sporting green himself was doing the usual. Spending time on his science book which he'd read for years until he grew old. "Can't hear you from all that hostility!"

"Have you seen my toothbrush?!" Crimson trotted out of the bathroom in order to sideline him by his bed, which was composed of a green blanket and the usual lumpy white pillows.

Bruce elevated a brow towards Crimson before stating, "Yeah. It's on the toothbrush holder." He sported a smile. He didn't really know that it wasn't really there.

Crimson sighed in spite, rolling her eyes. "They're not there. Which is exactly why I'm asking." She tapped Bruce's forehead willingly.

"Well, where did you put it?" Bruce queried, lightly placing down his book to focus better on this rather surprising conversation. "Did you check under your pillow?"

Crimson shrugged, "Haven't. But why would it be there?"

"Check it." Bruce suggested, "It might be."

Crimson huffed, before trotting towards her bed and checked under her pillow as she raised it. She looked back at Bruce with one raised brow in slyness.

Signifying that it wasn't there.

" . . . Why not check the bathroom again, then?" Bruce suggested another.

Crimson smirked teasingly, before shrugging. As she made her way towards the bathroom, soon closing the door of it behind her.

Bruce watched as she did then slowly looked away and resumed into reading his lovely science book. Another dormmate came by with a curious expression.

" . . . The next time you two argue about tootbrushes, I'm gonna slam your heads together." The coolheaded Lucille A.K.A Lucy stated with her wit, crossing her arms.

Bruce looks at her with a confused look, "Don't you mean 'bump'?" he queried.

"Nope. Definitely 'slam'." Lucy answered.

"That would hurt alot. Basically teammate abuse. And the impact would cause nosebleed, y'know." Bruce grinned teasingly.

"Exactly." Lucy nodded, grinning back teasingly in her own way as a means to payback.

Bruce returned to his book, and away from Lucy. "Yeah, whatever you like to do."

Crimson had been searching in the bathroom again for a while, she always put her toothbrush on the cup and never anywhere else.

" . . . Darn." She searched the cup again. "Nope." Before feeling a strange slimy black substance when she took a step back with a bare foot.

"What the---" Crimson hopped away immediately after feeling the strange substance.

It was about a gallon of black slime on the floor. Strange how something like that could have ended up there.
" . . . Weird. How did . . . what is?" Crimson was confused out of her mind.
The substance was moving, strangely. Like a living slime.

" . . . Ew." Crimson said, before witnessing the black slime suddenly pierce through the bottom of her foot. Then it plunged itself into her nerves, then later bones. She was terrified as the slime completely plunged itself inside her. Where it could no longer be seen on the glossy bathroom floor.


Meanwhile, (Y/N) was strolling around the courtyard freely. Embracing the sunlight that poured into his skin, mainly those from his face.

Finding the entirety of Team JNPR walking out of the dormitories. One of them was his childhood friend.

"Hey, Pyrrs!"
He called out to the spartan with pinkish-red hair, and shining spartan armor. Pyrrha took to a stop and turned to see you, her team advancing before her as a result.

She smiled at the second she saw you.

"Didn't think you'd see me here?"
You asked with a smile as you stepped towards her. "I'm happy for your reputation as of now. Especially the cereal modelling."

Pyrrha blushed in embarrassment, "Oh, (Y/N). It's not that relevant."

"Oh, I know. Don't worry." You patted her shoulder reassuringly. "So, good team?"
She nodded, "Yes. Good team." Then giggled afterwards.

You two stared at eachother awkwardly for a few seconds, both of you noticed then chuckled in-sync turning your eyes away from eachother while blushing. You scratched the back of your head.

"Um, Pyrrha? Is he a friend of yours?" The blonde boy Jaune approached, along with thunderhead Nora and calmboy Ren.

"Yes, sir." You answered the question yourself. "Nice to meet you, Mr Arc."

Jaune seemed quite bothered by your presence here, however. Guy seemed to be having too much trouble to feel relaxed around you.

You had a few talks until came the time the big alarm struck, it echoed its gigantic buzz across the academy. Then there came the moment Team JNPR followed by Team (T/N) hopping onto a frigate as they headed towards the centre of the city of Vale.

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