She'd Be Fine...

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"It'll be ok" said Sana while smiling.

"Sana! Wake up, you'll be late for school!!" Nayeon shouted. "Eo? 5 more minutes..." Sana then checked her clock. "Woahh, I'm late!"

Sana quickly showers and grab a cereal bar. She ran while eating the cereal bar and luckily made it in time. "Yo, late as always sleepyhead?" tease Momo. "I'm not late you know ㅎㅎ" Sana replied.

"Look, isn't that girl so cute?? She's so fair tho" Momo pointed at Dahyun. "Yea, she's ok.. I guess?" Sana replied uninterested. "Right, I forgot today is the enrollment day.. No wonder there are so many new faces" said Sana.

*in classroom*
Sana is a student who studies well but almost late everyday. She studied dilligently in every class except for P.E.

"Urgh, why do P.E have to exist?" groaned Sana. "Why~ It's fun.. Classes are so boring" replied Momo and Mina nodded in agreement.

"Oh look! It's that girl!" Momo pointed at Dahyun. "Yea, yea.. Whatever Momo" said Sana. "Hey, I wanna talk to her and be her friend" Momo said excitedly.

Momo ran towards Dahyun direction. "Huh, it's hard having a social butterfly friend" said Sana.

"Hey, what's your name" asked Momo excitedly. Dahyun who was suprised by the sudden question "Dahyun.. Imnida" "Nice to meet you! I'm Momo and I'm in the 3rd year" Momo introduced herself.

Dahyun just nodded in shyness. "Well, see you on recess! Bye~!" Momo waved happily. "Bye.." She waved back at Momo.

"Hey!" "Look who's back" said Sana. "Ah, btw you have to go and eat with her on recess, I forgot that I have things to do" said Momo. "Wait, what? I don't even know her" said Sana disbelief. "Her name is Dahyun" replied Momo. "That's not what I meant.." Sana said.

Sana searching for Dahyun who was sitting on the back row. 'There she is.. Gosh, what do I do with Momo..' thought Sana.

"H-Hi.. I'm Sana, Momo's friend.. She said she had something to do and she forgot to tell you.. So I came as her replacement" Sana said. "Ah, it's ok.. I'm Dahyun.." Dahyun replied. "Ah yes.." Sana replied.

'This is freaking awkward.. Momo-ring' Sana thought to herself. "U.. Um, what's your favourite food.." Dahyun ask Sana to break down the awkward silence. 'Did she muster up her courage so that it won't be that awkward? Cute..' Sana thought.

"Ah, I really like Ramen" Sana replied. "ReAllY!? I like Ramen too! What kind of Ramen did u like?" Dahyun said excitedly. 'C-cute..' Sana was taken aback. "I like salted egg ramen" She replied.

Both of them talked about food until recess over.

"Um, can I see you after school?" Dahyun asked. "Yea, It won't be a problem I think" Sana replied. "Al-Alright, study well.. Goodbye😊" Dahyun replied.

*After School*
"Yo, did you wait long?" Sana asked. "No.. Um, actually.. Can I ask your phone number and Kakao account?" Dahyun asked. "Yea, sure" Sana gave her number and Kakao account.

Both of them chatted everyday from food to what happen in their days. Soon enough, they are close to each other. One day, Sana asked Dahyun if she likes someone.

Dubu^^: Yea, I have
Sana~.~: Is that person in our school?
Dubu^^: Yeah
Sana~.~: Hurm, which year?
Dubu^^: 3rd year...
Sana~.~: Is it me?
Dubu^^: !!!
Sana~.~: ㅋㅋ kidding, Is it Momo?
Dubu^^: ...It's you, unnie
Sana~.~: Wait, like seriously?
Dubu^^: Sure am
Sana~.~: Woah, I like you too
Dubu^^: So..
Sana~.~: I guess it's our 1st day huh? ㅋㅋ
Dubu^^: Yea<3

Chat ended

'Man, I'm so happy... What do i do' Sana said excitedly.

They went to dates every Saturday/Sunday. They shared their most stressful experience. But after a year and half, Sana could feel Dahyun is getting farther.

Sana~.~: Dahyun-ah, it's been a long time since we chat and go on date right?

*40 min after*
Dubu^^: Sorry unnie, I'm kinda busy and I'm too tired to go out
Sana~.~: Oh.. It's ok, call me if you have worries ok?
Dubu^^: Yea.

Chat ended

*At school*
Dahyun asked to meet Sana after school. They went to the rooftop. Sana was happy that Dahyun finally want to talk with her. But, it was not what she thought it was.

"Unnie, let's end it.. "Dahyun said."End what?" Sana replied. "Our relationship..." "Can't we just take a break.. We could make it work again"Sana said. "You know that there's no spark between us anymore right?" Dahyun replied.

".. Ok, let's end it.. "Sana said." Is it really ok to end it? You'll be fine with this right?" Dahyun asked. "What do you want? If you wanna break up, then just tell me that.. Don't ask me what i feel.." Sana said.

Dahyun then walked to the door. She stops and turn back and ask Sana again "Will you really be fine?" "It'll be ok.. If it's not, will you come back? " Sana smiled bitterly.

"She'd be fine pretending
Things were alright
Even while it's ending
Keep it inside
She can feel them bending,
all their love is pending,
So what is she defending?"

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