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Minutes passed, and Em straightened things around the shop and Harry continued to go back and forth between checking the time on his phone and staring out the window. The song that was playing in the background faded out, and a new one started to play.

Em stopped her sweeping and looked at Hayden dead on.

“Another great song. You’re really getting a treat here, Harry.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. This is one of the three songs that changed my life, actually.”  Harry was surprised that she was just telling him this. They were strangers, after all. But the way she said it made him want to know more. Or maybe it was the fact that when she was talking to him his mind wasn’t constantly stuck on what was happening to his mother at that very moment.


“Why, you ask?”


“Oh, this was the night I first experienced being completely and utterly young, wild, and free.”

Taking over this town they should worry,

But these problems aside I think I taught you well.

That we won't run, and we won't run, and we won't run.

May 21st, 2012

Evie-Mae was going out with her friends.  They had just finished all their exams and were ready to celebrate. Hallie had gotten them all, well those who were brave enough to go through with this, fake ID’s. There was a group of six or seven of them all ready to go.

They walked up to the club, and got in easily. There was loud music ringing through the group of newbie’s ears. Em’s eyes widened in amazement at the unfamiliar atmosphere surrounding her. This was what every teen imagined, she supposed. The epitome of rebellion and youth.

Hallie led the pack up to the bar, squeezing through the crowd of dancing bodies. They all ordered a drink. This was what college was supposed to be like, Em thought. After the drinks were distributed, the group of rowdy college students toasted, holding their drinks in the air.

“To us having a freaking good time.” Hallie shouted.

They danced longer than can be remembered, before the drinks were starting to kick in. The group went from that club back to the city streets, where they walked under the brightly lit sky above them, not a care in the world, for they were invincible at this moment. They hit a few more clubs, just in the mood for fun, and never once getting stopped for being under-age.

Evie-Mae had never been so drunk before. Despite her badass appearance, she was a good girl at heart. The rest of the night was a bit of a blur, and she lost track after they went to the third club. The last thing she remembers was hearing  the familiar lyrics in the backseat of a cab, her cheek pressed against the smooth surface of the glass window.


“And what happened?” Harry asked from his seat by the window.

“I woke up, in a lofty apartment in the city.  A friend of a friend of a friend, I guess. I felt horrible, sick and all, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

“And why’s that?” Harry’s curiosity had been peaked now.

“Because you have to have that kind of experience in your life. Being young and carefree and invincible.” Evie-Mae said, her eyes focusing on the sky outside dreamily. “I’ve never done anything like it again, and I don’t need to.”

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