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“Well, you know enough about me now. Where are you off to?” And just as Harry was starting to forget the major stressor in his life, she brought it up again. Well, not forget, but get distracted from. He didn’t normally share his problems with people, but the words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them.

“My mother is dying in the hospital right now.” Evie-Mae couldn’t have been more surprised at his words. It was obvious something was bothering him, but he was relatively calm, not the sobbing mess she would be. She felt  guilty for making him sit here and listen to her silly stories when he obviously had more pressing things to worry about.

“I’m sorry.”

“It can’t be helped.”

“I’m sorry for bothering you with all those stories-”

“No, it got my mind off of it. Thank you.” And it was true, he would’ve gone crazy sitting out there by himself for this long.

Silence ensued until a good amount of time passed.

“The bus will be here soon.” Em said.

“Right. Thank you for letting me stay in here. Thanks for...everything.” He got up to walk out the door, hugging his jacket tighter around him. “It was nice meeting you, Evie-Mae.”

“You too, Harry. And, I’m sorry.” Harry just smiled, a bittersweet sadness coming over him once again. Em walked him to the door and watched as with a final wave he walked out into the cold, back to his seat on the bench.  A few minutes later, the bus picked him up, Em watching the curly-haired boy stepping on from the window of the music shop.

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