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The strange pair was quiet for a moment. Em went back to her organizing CDs and Harry back to his checking the time and worrying that he’d run out of it.

“What are the other songs?” His voice broke the silence.

“Huh?” She turned her head in surprise. She hadn’t expected him to actually have cared that much. He clearly had something else important on his mind at the moment.

“The other songs. That changed your life.” Harry said, his green eyes meeting the brown of her irises.

“Let me put it on for you.” She stood up and walked to a rack of discs, grabbing a CD and popping it into the player on the shelf behind the counter. Evie skipped to one of the later songs, and the music started pouring through the speakers.

“This one’s not quite as uplifting.” She smiled, but this smile was different.

It's just a spark

But it's enough to keep me going

And when it's dark out, no one's around

It keeps glowing

January 1st, 2008

Evie-Mae was waiting by the door. Maybe if she waited by the door, he wouldn’t leave. Maybe if he saw just a tiny piece of what he was leaving behind, he wouldn’t go. She might have believed for a second that he cared for her, his own flesh and blood, but the sounds of drawers slamming shut from the room over begged to differ.

“John. Please.” Em heard her mother’s hysterical voice over her own wet sobs.  The sounds didn’t cease, and she figured his actions didn’t either.

Em pushed her back against the door and squeezed her eyes shut, her body shaking uncontrollably. This was the bad dream she believed would never happen playing out right in front of her eyes.

At the sound of footsteps, she clutched the door behind her harder, her knuckles turning white.    

“Em, move out of the way, alright.” Her mother’s voice rang through her ears. She stayed still, paralyzed with the fear that her dad was actually leaving.

She opened her eyes as she felt strong arms surround her. Arms that weren’t her mom’s.    

“I love you, I’ll love you forever. Remember that.”

And everything happened very fast after that. She was moved out of the way and her dad was out the door. And she was in her mother’s arms, crying into her shoulder.  And then she was back in her room, her fingers fiddling with a daisy teacup, the distant memory playing in the back of her head of a little girl and her father having a tea party one rainy afternoon.


The song ended and silence filled the quaint music store. Evie-Mae didn’t know what to say, and didn’t know what she expected Harry to say after that.

“I’m sorry.” The boy said slowly, looking comfortingly to the girl across from him.

“It’s alright. I’m glad to have spent the time that I did with him.” She said and Harry nodded. If only she knew how much he understood at this present moment. He hoped that he could respond to what was going on in his life the way Em seemed to have coped herself.

“I buy every daisy teacup I find. Reminds me of him.”

“That’s really cool.” Harry said, and he meant it. Em was unlike anybody he had come across before.

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