0.28: war of hearts

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[ leave a light on - tom walker ]

tracing my eyes with circles as they were pried open, a bright lit shone within them, an ache in my neck causing a blighted heart to fill my chest; my lips unable to spin webs into words, as a venom shackled my mind.

"oh my god," a slightly shaken voice spoke tentatively, kaleidoscope colours shaped the oval outline of the boy's face in luminosity, "katherine."

"guys," noah, i assumed, yelled with a hand cupping my cheek, his thumb hovering over my dampened eyes, attempting to open them further but every time i gripped the light it was soon squashed in my hands.

"i-i found her, but she doesn't look too good," the boy fumbled over his words, as the abrasive concrete beneath me dissipated, lifted into an unfamiliar warmth.

rocking my head on the boney boy's shoulder a wince slipped uncomfortably from my lips, noah's left hand wrapped tightly around my waist and the other pressed tenderly upon the wound that laced my collar bone.

letting the control i held within my tensed neck fall, my faded eyes landed upon a frantic brooke; fringe stuck to her clammy skin, and small frame clutching jackson's shoulder to which a crimson sheen had covered it.

"you need to stay with me okay," noah repeated breathily his pace quickening, my body on fire ignited by a match.

a cough arose from my throat consequently causing a warm substance to trickle down my cheek not to soon after.

"i can't loose you katherine," the mousey brown haired boy wept, a shake from his chest causing my clasped hand to fall loose from his arm, something catching upon my stained fingers.

"i'm trying, i promise..." slipping between letters a metallic taste coated my lips, as from the beginning we were born to die - no starting over.

there are no second chances, death carved on our skin from the moment we're born, given the chance you could run from it but eventually you'll run out of breath.

one day everything will just fall apart and unwind, scattered to far to be picked up.

inhaling i caught my lip between my teeth, "noah... thank you..."

"no, no, come on," the boy looked deep within my eyes as they ran at a million miles an hour, whilst my gaze bled with exhaustion, fuzzy and glazed thoughts as though it'd been stuffed with stylophone.

faint gasps fell into ear shot, my body like a broken leaf in wind, as a darkened auburn ink welled up and overflowed from my lips once more words dripping simultaneously, "it hurts so much."

"i'll take her," a faint voice hushed with a creak, falling into warmth i was left upright upon their legs, the boy starring down in wonder with a hand rested on my shoulder a crocked half smile adopted his lips.

"no, katherine, not here, not now," jake's body shook, with a convoluting chest the back of his hand wiped over my stained lips, leaning softly against him a hum slid through.

"you've got to keep your eyes open for me, okay, please kat," the raven haired boy cooed just above a whisper.

"i'm- i'm..." unable to obtain my thoughts the frown upon jakes face softened looking at me sweetly, but my eyes were wondering and unable to focus as all feelings of euphoria vanished.

"come on, stay with me," the apricot eyed boy almost shouted, feeling as though i'd been through two dozen spins around the sun an empty shadow filled my features, my hesitant head bowing towards the ground.

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