Chapter 6

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I asked Brittney and her friend to come back stage...she was quite surprised to see Jimmy and Matt.

"JIMMMMYYYY!!!!" she screamed to him.

He jumped from his seat and ran to her to hug his baby sister.

"Everyone this is my date, his name is Will, be nice or I will personally be the living shit out of every single one of you" she threatened.

I did not see that coming.


I'm standing here in awe as I watch her sit on Matts lap without a hesitation.

I hope she knows that I'm only gonna be friends with her cause I have a girl already. Her name is Alex and she's like the biggest band fanatic I know. She's from Connecticut too so I wonder if her and Brittney know each other.

"Hey Britt? I really need to talk to you" I was shaking because I know she has a crush on me.

We walked out side and I told her.

"You-you should go Will. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. goodbye" she started crying and I felt like an asshole. I decided it was best if I leave.


I ran into the arena crying and I ran right into Jimmy's arms.

"Am I really that worthless? no one wants me. I'm never good enough for anyone." I held on to his shirt tight knowing I'd start running if I let go

"Princess your anything but worthless. If he doesn't want you I'm sure there will be another guy to fall for you. Your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen sis."

"That's not true. you think Courtney is the most beautiful girl.

I let go and just ran with Andy on my tail. I saw a park and just stopped and broke down. Andy followed me and say me down on his lap and just held me while I cried my eyes out.

"Shhhh it's ok Hun, it's gonna get better." he started whispering things like that in my ear until I stopped crying. I looked at him and I hugged him as tight as I could.

We got up and walked back hand in hand.

Jimmy ran up to me and hugged me tighter then he ever has.

"I'm going to walk home since I told my ride to leave my life" I told the three men in front of me.

"I can take you!" Andy offered but I turned it down.

I proceeded to ask Jimmy for his sweatshirt and I left for home. I ran actually.

I saw a school out of the corner of my eye and I stopped. It was a music college and need to remind myself to apply.

I arrive home to find Maria and Lauren with two guys on the couch. Johnny was of course there too cause that is Lauren's fiance.

"Britt Britt!!!! I missed you. This is Ashton and Michael!" Lauren jumped up and down I front of me.

"How was the concert babe?" Johnny asked and came and gave me a hug.

"Andy embarrassed the shit out of me, I'm going to put on something comfortable." I waved to the two boys and ran upstairs tripping over my feet landing on my face with and umph

"Ow what the fuck!!" I screamed as loud as I could cause I was just so done.

I immediately ran into the bathroom and took my razor out and started cutting as much as I could then I took pills out of my cabinet and ran to my bedroom.

I made a video telling everyone I love them so much but I can't do this anymore and still on video I took the pills and stopped it.


I closed my eyes and everything went black.


Well it's only chapter 6 and there's severe drama what's to come????

Well she may or may not die. I haven't decided yet.

Will was based off a boyfriend I had that decided to kill himself recently which is why he left the story.

I love you all my Bumblebees

~Britt Britt armpit

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