chapter 9 Breaking Point

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Still in a swirl of emotion, Zelda trailed behind Link as they made their way to the grand fountain of the Domain. He was in a noticeable hurry, as he held his hand out from behind himself to lead her down the interwoven bridges of the Domain. She wasn't sure if she should have felt worried or ecstatic.

Just moments ago, a mystery of Link's heart was revealed to her, even if it had only been a simple phrase out from his lips. Even still, just those few syllables had been more than he ever said to her in an entire lifetime. And before she had a chance to even digest his words, she was being thrust back into the chaotic reality that surrounded them. The world still needed healing.

The city wasn't as lively as before, the hour already pushing toward mid-evening. Most of the zora had already retired for the night, barring those who fancied late-night dealings, unsavory or otherwise.

Waiting for them just as he said he would be was Sidon, standing next to the opulent main fountain. He paced back and forth nervously as he waited, seemingly trapped in thought, unaware of their approach. However, as soon as their eyes met with his, he tilted his head in a rushed greeting.

"So sorry again to disturb your rest, but I think you should both see this," Sidon stated, a hint of fear in his voice. It shook quite a bit, almost frantic.

"What's happened? What's going on?" Zelda questioned anxiously from beside Link, glancing over to Sidon and to a young Zora soldier who stood by his side.

"The dam," Sidon blurted, unable to find the exact words to describe what was happening. "It's in trouble."

"Sidon! Out with it already! What is happening?" She demanded. The suspense of not knowing was more than she could bear.

The Prince took in a deep breath. "I believe that whoever attacked Ruta has already claimed their next target. The lower dam. Just below Rutala, it was found severely damaged this evening. It's cracked. I have already given the order to clear the immediate area, should the worst happen. If it were to breach...well, Hyrule's plains would be flooded in many areas, and a lot of people could get hurt."

"Then why are we still standing around here? Let's hurry!" Zelda demanded, eager to investigate the situation.

Link turned to her, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "Perhaps, you should stay here. It's not safe for you to be outside the Domain."

As the Princess made to move on, her knight placed his hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"I'm going with you!" Zelda declared, frustrated by the notion of being without value to the situation. "I'm not a helpless child...and don't you think whoever maybe orchestrating these attacks would have come for me by now, if they truly wanted my life?"

Link swallowed any response he might have given. She wasn't really wrong...but he still felt uneasy risking her safety. He knew he couldn't find the words to change her mind.

"That's what I thought," Zelda asserted, eyes narrowed.

Sidon reached over to place a calming hand on Link's shoulder. With only a subtle hint of sarcasm, he said, "Her Majesty does have a point, Link."

Zelda, still flustered and wanting to hurry to address the situation at hand, shot an annoyed look at him.

"Err, I mean, Zelda has a point," the zora prince gulped, correcting himself.

"But I cannot risk you to be in any sort of danger," Link said, putting his foot down.

"There is always going to be danger!" Zelda exclaimed in exasperation. "Look around you. We are surrounded by danger. Being by your side is the safest place I can be. If I were to remain at the Domain every time you two go off gallivanting after trouble, who would be here to protect me then, hmm?"

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