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The next shipment for the supplies should be here Tuesday. I want everything to be in a timely manner, no fuck ups. Remember, I will count each and every item there is."

Malcolm walked inside the quaint office that was in the back of the bar. His uncle, Dock, sat at his desk handling business. He had a notepad out with all kinds of shit scribbled down. It was mostly filled with important information. He looked over at his nephew and gave him a head nod with the phone still pressed to his ear.

Instead of interrupting, Malcolm decided to grab a drink. He retrieved a glass and poured himself some whisky from the crystal decanter.

"What are you doing here?" Dock questioned his nephew as soon as he ended the call. He owned half of the bar with Malcolm. Together they made sure the business continued to successfully run. Dock was there the whole day, but Malcolm would come in a little late. He had other shit to focus on, but he did make time for his bar.

"I'm just checking shit out." Malcolm answered after gulping down the alcohol. The dark liquid did burn his throat, but he managed to take the slight irritation. "I have to head out to Manhattan later."

"I figured that." Dock replied while lightning his cigar. He surveyed his nephew and said, "You work too much-you need a vacation boy."

"Hell no." Malcolm objected while taking a seat from Dock's desk. "I got too much money to make. Vacations will come later."

Dock wrinkled his eyebrows as he casted his nephew a short-lived glare. "Nigga I don't want to hear that, you got money. You can afford to take a week off."

Malcolm just shook his head no.

"You're twenty-five...you've been working since you were a kid. All I'm saying is that you need to enjoy your twenties man. Don't get too caught up in this shit-know what I'm saying? Get married, start a family."

"I'm not doing no marriage and family shit. I can enjoy my twenties without that." Malcolm assured him while looking over the papers on the desk.

"Man, you better go ahead and have you a family. It's a beautiful thing."

Malcolm just shook his head; he wasn't really trying to hear what his uncle was saying. Malcolm wasn't no family-type of man, he didn't have it in him at all. Dock, on the other hand, did. He had a beautiful wife with five kids-three boys, two girls. He was built to be family oriented-Malcolm wasn't.

He grew up in a one-parent home and that shit haunted him from time to time. Malcolm watched his mom, Frida, struggle to take care of the house by herself. She had a hard time paying bills and providing money for the extracurricular activities both Malcolm and his sister wanted to participate in when they were younger. When Malcolm got on his feet, he made sure his mom and sister were well taken care of.

He snapped back into reality as he continued to examine the documents.

"You better listen to me Malcolm. Go on vacation and get you some sun." Dock suggested while looking at the glass in Malcolm's hand. "And stop drinking so damn much."

Malcolm sucked his teeth as he held his drink. Instead of replying to Dock, he decided to skip the subject.

"This is for the next shipment?" Malcolm questioned his uncle, looking at the form that was filled with information about the upcoming shipment.

"Yeah, it should be here Tuesday."

"Damn, you need to put all of this shit on the computer." Malcolm suggested.

Dock shook his head no; he was old school. At forty-nine, Dock didn't care too much for electronics, but he did love his iPhone.

"I like doing it this way, by hand. That computer shit gives me the creeps."

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