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Game boards were sprawled out everywhere. From the couch to the clean, grayish carpet. Jersey decided to hang out with her cousin before work. She wanted to spend some time with Rudy since it had been days since they talked face-to-face. Talking to him on the phone was cool, but she wanted to see her little cousin in person. Just to make sure he was really good.

"Here you go." Jersey pushed a plate towards Rudy and sat beside him on the couch. Rudy wasted no time grabbing the plate. He eyed the masterpiece Jersey had cooked. Since it was morning time, she made some pancakes, eggs, and sausage links.

"I need to buy some more groceries for you." Jersey suggested as she pushed her eggs around with a fork. "Because you're running out of everything."

Rudy took a bite out of his sausage and eyed Jersey's plate. She had only one sausage link with a small portion of eggs. He furrowed his eyebrows and studied her before saying anything.

"Why you eating like that? You on a diet or something?"

Jersey sighed before speaking. Lately, she had been eating like a bird. Her medication was taking her appetite.

"No, I'm not on a diet."

"Good because you're already skinny." Rudy commented. "But you're even skinnier since the last time I saw you. You stressed out or something?"

She narrowed her eyes at her cousin's remarks and said, "I am. Don't forget that I have a debt on me, and I have to work at that bar-indefinitely. All of this shit is so stressful."

Rudy eyed her before speaking. "I'm sorry about that. I had no idea that this shit would fall back on you."

"What's done is done. I've accepted it." Jersey replied back. "At the time, you didn't want help. Marcus had you in a trance."

"You right." Rudy concurred with a head nod. "I really looked up to him. When he first came in my life, I was happy. I didn't expect for him to turn on me like this. He promised to protect me and keep me safe."

Jersey noticed the sadden expression on her cousin's face. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and pulled him into her embrace. She felt like he needed it. Rudy barely got love from his mom, so the feeling was a little awkward for him, but he went with it.

"Money is the root of all evil. Remember that." Jersey whispered to him. "That's why you should never put you trust into anyone but God."

Rudy never replied back. He just kept his head on Jersey's chest. She barely had breast to hold him up, but he didn't care. He wasn't worried about that.

"Preach is coming back." Jersey announced as a small smile tugged on her lips. She had been thinking about her brother lately. Jersey couldn't wait for his arrival. Just the thought of seeing her baby brother made her happy.

"Preach?" Rudy reiterated while sitting up. He looked at his cousin as if she was lying. "Stop playing."

"I'm serious. He sent me a letter saying he was coming back for college." Jersey replied with a bright smile.

"Aww, man." Rudy blurted out. He smirked while touching his chin. He really didn't know Preach like that, but he was hoping to get acquainted with his cousin. "That's good, really good."

"Yeah, I'm happy about it."' She replied with a smile. "I haven't seen him in so long."

"Where is he going to stay when he comes back?" Rudy questioned her.

Jersey thought about her brother's living arrangements. She figured he was staying at his dorm but then again, she didn't know what he was going to do.

"I'll see. He's probably going to live in one of the dorms at his college. If not, I'll figure something out. I'm going to write him and find out."

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