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"Check this shit out." Arthur chuckled as he stretched out his hand, showing Malcolm a video that was on the screen of his iPhone. Malcolm darted his eyes over, looking at the phone for only a moment. Arthur was trying to show him a video of some comedian. He shook his head, trying not to laugh at the antics. He had to stay focused on what was going on around him.

People were scattered everywhere, desperately trying to get everything in order. The Givin' Back event was scheduled for Thursday and Malcolm wanted to make sure his event was formally put together.

"This event stressing you out?" Arthur questioned him while locking his phone and burying it in his pocket.

Malcolm looked over at his bodyguard and said, "Kind of, but I need to be here." He looked around for a moment before continuing. "To sort everything out. I don't think Candace can do it all by herself."

Both men looked over at Candace who was busy speaking with one of the staff workers. She held a clipboard in her hand as she took orders for Malcolm. Her fair skin was bare and smooth. She had her auburn colored hair down and flowing.

"She seems to be doing her job very well."

"She does." Malcolm concurred with a head nod. "But I know how hectic this shit can get. When shit gets overwhelming, the staff gets cranky and that'll cause nothing but stress on her."

Arthur agreed with him and excused himself. Malcolm used that time to check everything out. He made his way around the convention center and sought out any flaw that bothered him. Candace wad about to past him until he spoke. She was dressed casually in her blouse, belted skirt, and pumps.

"How is everything going? Anything out of order?"

"Surprisingly, everything is going smooth." Candace replied with a subtle expression on her face. "I still need to make a few phone calls."

"Just let me know if I can help."

"I'm sorry to interrupt."

The sudden outburst caused Malcolm to dart his eyes. Relief hit him when he noticed Radhika standing beside him. She was one of his staff workers-the hiring manager of Givin' Back to be specific. Radhika was responsible for conducting interviews with potential candidates and hiring them. She had been a part of Malcom's team for almost three years now and still, she managed to become giddy around him. Most of it was from her crush she had developed on him.

Candace excused herself, so Malcolm and Radhika could talk. He placed his full attention on Radhika and watched as she tucked some of her hair behind her ear. Her South Asian roots gave her coal, black hair and dark-brown skin that was smooth and blemish-free. She looked over at him with her brown eyes and said, "We have some potential candidates for the English tutor position."

Malcolm's eyebrows hiked in curiosity. He wondered if Jersey was one of the candidates. She'd promised him that she would at least take the time to read through the electronic application and fill it out.

"How many do we have?"

"We have so many, almost one hundred applications." Radhika replied as she scrolled through the applicant forms. She held her iPad with ease.

"Let me check it out." Malcolm replied while reaching out for the iPad. Radhika wasted no time handing it over to him. His eyes scanned through the potential applicants quickly as he tried his best to find Jersey's name.

A, B, C... I found her. He said to himself. Jersey wasn't hard to find in the pool. He clicked on her application and went through it thoroughly. Malcolm made sure to keep a mental note on her education and past work.

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