Flower child

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↠ |Peter Imagine|
"His eyes aren't the color of the ocean but I drown in them every time"
It was a day in late June and as you walked
Down your street, on your way home you
Had one thing in mind:
The leftover pizza you had in your fridge.
You felt like you were starving (even though you weren't) and the more you thought about it, the more you hurried home.
That delicious crust and the cheese that-
Fuck, that hurt. You picked yourself up
From the sidewalk and rubbed your head
As you saw a boy in front of you doing the same.
"Oh, I'm really sorry" you kinda laughed off.
"Oh I'm sorry for running into someone as beautiful as you." He said. As your cheeks turned pink you noticed his blonde hair in front of his face and the eyes that starred back at you.
He was so cute, and you couldn't help but stare and look weird.
"You're not bad yourself" you replied.
"Hmmm bold words" he giggled.
"Peter" he held his hand out with a grin
"Y/n" you shook it back.
"So where you off to?" He asked
And which you said,
"Anywhere you're going"
You both laughed about that, and just
Continued the rest of the day.

That was 1967 though, when you
Both were young & beautiful.
Now it's 1983 and being grownup
Isn't as fun as it was being a teenager,
Oh that's for sure. Peter worked
Long shifts and you were pregnant
With your third child, a girl.
Alexander, your oldest was 7 years and
He was a wild one.
Your middle child, Rose who was 5 years
Old was a sweetie and is always making
Small things for you and your husband.
However your husband doesn't pay much
Attention to that. He doesn't even pay much
Attention to any of the family.
You're exhausted day after day of taking
Care of the kids.... So tired you're even considering
A divorce. You've tried time after time to get his attention but he's just so tired when he gets home. You understand but you just want communication and time for the family.

You began to help Rose with her macaroni noodle necklace when a surprise entered the door.
You looked up and a grin appeared on your face as you had seen, your brother, Davy.
"Davy!" You cheered.
"Uncle Davy!" The kids said.
"Ello everybody!" He returned the same energy.
You hugged him and smiled.
It's been a hot sec since you've seen him
Because he was always hoping place
To place around the country.

After that, you and Davy had been catching up
While Rose took a nap and Alexander had
Went to go play with his best friends.
You told him how you've been feeling about
Peter lately. How he's always working and never really seems to pay attention anymore, and it makes you very sad.
"Hey Sis, maybe she will be like a flower child."
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"The baby?" You questioned.
"Flower child?" You asked.
"Yeah, a flower child, they bring good energy, love and peace. They bring everyone together."
"Yeah maybe, just maybe" you said rubbing your stomach.
You really hoped she would be a flower child.
You weren't one to believe in that stuff like Davy does, but you had a small amount of faith in what he was saying.
"Anyways, I think you should talk to him about how you feel, sis. From what I've learned, you should most definitely remember that communication is key." He said with a soft smile.
"Thanks Davy. You're always good with advice" you gave him a hug.
You exchanged goodbyes with him the next day and off he went.

That night you had one goal in mind and that was to talk to Peter. When the kids went to bed, you laid in bed with Peter and you were thinking of the right things to say. Finally the right words popped in your head. No sugar coating, just the honest truth.
"Hm?" He muffled
"We need to talk"
"Us. You never talk anymore, you can't even pay attention to the kids. It hurts so much because I love you but I feel like we're fading. I know you're busy and don't ever have much time for us, but please, please if you love us, listen to me and make time."
He turned around to face you and words came out.
"Listen y/n I do love you. I'm sorry if I seem like I don't care or we're fading. I've been feeling the same way and trust me it eats me up. I'm so sorry, I wanna be here for Rose and Alexander and our little girl. I'm gonna talk to my boss tomorrow and try to get Saturday off. I love you guys so much, and I'm so sorry."
You gave him a kiss on his nose and smiled,
"I love you too"

Peter ended up getting Saturday off, and everybody went to a park and you and Peter talked more about each other's feelings while chasing the kids around the park.
Then a sharp pain fell and you knew it was time.
At the hospital you gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl.
You decided to name her, Elena.
It was so funny how things worked out,
Because after Elena, it seemed as if everything
Fell back in place. Peter has weekends off and made more room for you and the kids, and you hate to admit it, but Davy was right. Elena was a flower child. She brought nothing but love, peace and happiness.
Life was so much more better and you continued doing what you loved to do. Help Rose make macaroni necklaces.

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