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Jack Gilinsky:

Its been a few days since we have seen Emma and I know everyone is missing her. Dean is missing her a lot more than anyone here. 

I had Sammy looking up possible places to see where she could be. I had sent Dean to work to work because he was going stir crazy. 

I was sitting in the office when Johnson came running in 

"Emma is in an abandoned warehouse" Johnson said breathing heavy. 

"Get packed up, we are heading out and no one tell Dean anything" I said 

We grabbed our guns and many other things we needed to go get Emma back.

We pulled up to the place and made sure no one was outside waiting for us or any intruder. 

We slowly made our way inside but it felt strange that no one was coming for us. At first I thought Johnson got something wrong about the location but then I heard someone screaming bloody murder and I ran to the noise with my gun aimed at it. 

I pushed open every door and when I got to the last one I could see Emma inside in a broken chair battered and beaten. I pushed the door open slowly and made my way inside. Emma looked up meeting my eyes 

"STAY BACK ITS A TRAP!" She yelled

I stopped in my tracks and looked at her a little worried. 

"Emma are you okay?" I asked

"Emma is fine, she may be a little bit sore in a certain area but Emma will be fine" Nick/John said 

I glared at him and my blood started to boiled 

"What did you do to her!?" I said my eyes never leaving his

"I had a little fun with Emma while it took you so long to find her. I enjoyed but Emma didn't seem to enjoy it. She screamed a lot and cried" Nick said 

Emma looked away like she was ashamed of what happened

"Em, look at me it wasn't your fault. None of this would of happened if I never asked you out. You'd be safe at home with your brother" I said her eyes meeting mine

 Narrator P.O.V. 

Jack needed Nick away from her so Johnson could come through the window and pull her to safety. Jack wanted her out of the way before he killed Nick for hurting Emma. 

"Why don't you put the gun down and fight me like a real man" Jack said 

"No I think I will keep my gun and get to watch me torture Emma some more" Nick said walking over to Emma. 

He went to touch her and Jack shot him in his leg making him fall to the floor. Emma tried to cover her ears but being tied up didn't help that. Johnson came in untying Emma and took out of the room. Jack heard the door close and he walked up Nick shooting him in the head and telling one of his men to clean it up. 

Jack headed outside to see Johnson sitting with a traumatized Emma. Jack went up to Emma and pulled her into a hug. He missed her so much but the only way she is gonna be kept safe is if Jack stays away from her. 

Emma and Jack graduate in a few weeks, Jack is gonna run his gang and Emma is gonna go to college like she always dreamed of. 

"Let's get you home and showed and into a nice warm bed" Jack said

They drove back to Emma's house to see Dean's car in the driveway when they walked in her house they saw Dean sitting on the couch. Dean turned around and saw Emma standing there and sprinted off the couch and hugged her tightly. 

"Emma why don't you go take a shower and get some rest. We will be here when you wake up" Dean said

Emma just nodded and went up to her room leaving Jack and Dean alone. 

"I think I should leave Emma" Jack said 

"Why? You took the time to look for her and bring her home safe. Now you want to leave" Dean said a little mad

"It's for the best. She was taken because of me, Dean. I wrote her a letter explaining everything to her but I have to get out of her life before I make it worse than it already is" Jack said 

Jack handed Dean the note and walked out the door leaving behind Emma and her family who Jack had grown close with other the few days. 

Jack made his way back to his house, he grabbed a bottle of Tequila and made his way to his office and sighed. Jack is doing this for Emma but he feels alone again and he told himself he'd never feel that again.

Emma P.O.V.  

When I got out of the shower she attempted to go to sleep but couldn't. I went downstairs in hope of laying with Jack but Jack was nowhere to be found and Dean was in the kitchen cooking something. 

I found a letter on the counter addressed to me so I opened it.  

Dear Em, 

If you are reading this then we found you and you are safe now. Just know that I love you which is a very stupid way to tell you that I am in love with you but I didn't know how to tell you that I love you without freaking out with the words that I am going to be telling you. 

I'm sorry to be writing this to you but I couldn't tell you to your face because then it would be hard to say any of this to you. I am leaving, I can't sit here and over look the danger you were put in because of me. I want you happy and safe, I want you to find a nice guy who is willing to treat you the way I would of. Me knowing you won't be in danger anytime you walk out of your home is amazing. 

If we are meant to be then god will bring us together again. I love you Emma and go to college for me and become that writing you want to be. 

                                                                                Yours truly, 

                                                                                                      Jack Gilinsky

I looked at the letter one more time, I felt someone hug me from behind. I jumped but calmed me down when I saw that it was Dean. 

"I tried so hard to get him to stay but he kept telling me you would be in danger if you did end up staying together" Dean said 

"I love him, when I was being held captive the only thing that came to my mind was coming home to you and Jack." I said my eyes never leaving the note. 

Dean took the note placing it on the table and handed me some food he made and told me to go throw on something to watch and just relax. I did as I was told but Jack never left my mind. 

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