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Emma P.O.V

It has been two days since we heard anything, the police will come by to see how we are doing. Jack has his guy feeding the police the information if they find it before the FBI does. Knowing the Jack gang is helping makes me feel that they are going to find him. 

Jack has been trying to get me to eat but all I can think about is my son and if he's eating and if that asshole is making sure he's getting what he needs. 

"Emma, babe you gotta eat. Not eating is making you weak and when they find Micah he going to need you to feed him and without food it won't him" Jack said 

"Your boyfriend is right, Emma its not good to not eat" JJ said 

"Do you have kids?" I asked 

"I have a son about your sons age. These cases always get to me and we end up bringing home the baby to his family" JJ said 

I nodded "What is your sons name?" I asked 

"Henry. What is yours?" she asked 

"I named him Micah Jack Winchester" I said 

"He has my middle name" 

"I named him after the man who saved my life last year" I said 

JJ got up to give us time alone and Jack pulled me into him and I cuddled up to him and finally fell asleep after not sleeping for two days street. 

Jack P.O.V. 

I placed her up in our room so she could get some sleep. I want our son brought home to us unharmed and breathing. 

"Em- Where is she?" Reid asked 

"She hasn't slept the past few days, she fell asleep cuddled up to me and I put her up in our room. Is there something that I can do for you?" 

"We think we found Micah. We need you to confirm if its Nick and to see if the girl he's with is someone you two may know" Reid said 

He brought me over to the footage and showed it to me

"That's Nick and the girl he's with is my ex Madison. Why would they kidnap an innocent child?" I asked 

"Is there a reason you broke up with your ex Madison?" Hotchner asked 

"I met Emma in high school and Madison and I were constantly fighting and I needed to get away from that and we broke up and she moved away and I never saw her after that" I said 

"We think Madison and Nick may be working together to hurt you and Emma. They were last located at a warehouse a few miles away from here" Morgan said 

"What warehouse?" I asked 

"The one off of Belle and Asher" JJ said 

"That is where he kept Emma, I remember that place because I shot him there" I said 

"You shot him?" Agent Rossi said 

"Yeah, I did. I am surprise you haven't searched me up. I'm in a local gang" I said 

"We should be arresting you for shooting someone but we only care about catching him and getting your son back" 

I nodded and let them go do there job. I stayed back with Emma so she could sleep. When she woke up I wanted her to see her son and be happy that he is still alive and well. 

After about a few hours the agents came back with a baby wrapped in a blanket. I scooped him out of her hand and looked down to see Micah. 

"They said he was fine and well taken care of. He was fed and changed. We have them both in custody." Agent Jennifer said (JJ) 

"Thank you so much, agents" I said 

I heard footsteps coming down the steps and saw Emma rubbing the sleep from her eyes. 

"Did they find him?" she asked running over to the blanket

I handed him over and she pulled him to her chest rocking him back and forth kissing him all over. Our son is alright.

The agents packed everything up leaving us with our son. We all know that he won't be sleeping alone for awhile. I am just very grateful he is home with us and safe. 

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