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Emma P.O.V. 

It has been a year since I saw Jack. I found out I was having Nick's child. I decided to keep it because the baby didn't do anything wrong even if they were born under the wrong circumstances. I still kept going with my dream after I had my son Micah who is my whole world. I made a few friends in college who have helped me out when I needed someone to watch Micah. 

My friend Megan and my boyfriend and I are heading back to my hometown with Micah to see my brother and his fiance Castiel. Those two have been going strong and I'm glad he's gonna be my brother in law. Megan and I got off our plane getting our bags and then got in our uber and headed back to my family home.

We wanted to surprise Cas and Dean because what better than surprise them with there favorite sister and there favorite nephew. I walked in the house with my boyfriend Noah and Megan, Megan was laughing about something Noah had said. 

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Jack in the kitchen with some girl and Dean and Cas laughing away at something. 

"Emma, your home. We weren't expecting you till tomorrow" Dean said moving away from Jack and the girl. 

"I wanted to surprise you so we came a day earlier" I said my eyes never leaving Jack's. 

"I'm sorry, he can leave if you want" Dean said talking about Jack 

I shook my head no and sat my things down and sat Micah car seat down on the couch and taking him out of his seat. Jack watching my every move. 

"He can stay, we both moved on from each other" I said 

I handed Micah over to Noah and walked up to Cas giving him a hug. I haven't see my brother or Cas in a few months. Last time I saw them was when Micah was born and Micah is now five months old. 

"Cute kid" the girl said 

"Thanks, he's a blessing" I said 

"I'm gonna take our bags upstairs to our room babe. I'll be back down" Noah said picking up our bags and walking upstairs. 

"Emma can we talk for a minute" Jack asked

I nodded and followed him outside he stared at me for a a second taking in my features I'm going to guess. 

"Yes, Jack?" I said snapping him out of his gaze

"I see you found a boy and had a son" he said 

"No, I met Noah about four months ago at a party. Micah who is my son is also Nick's creation" I said meeting his big brown puppy dog eyes. 

"Micah looks nothing like Nick. He looks so much like you" Jack said

"Jack why did you bring me out here?" I questioned. 

"I've missed you Emma. I sent you a letter to your dorm last month but never got anything back" Jack said 

"It must of gotten lost in the mail I never received a letter from you" I said 

Emmaaaaaaaa, Micah wants you" I heard Megan say

"I gotta get back inside, Micah is probably hunger" 

I headed back inside taking him from Megan and sitting in one of the chairs lifting my shirt a little bit and letting him latch on drinking away. Everyone was talking except Jack he would glance at me every once in awhile. 

Once he finished eating I burped him and put in the swing that Dean kept here for us whenever we visited. 

"Did you all eat dinner?" I asked. 

They shook there head no 

"Let me go change and I will make us something for dinner" I said running upstairs. I stopped when I heard moaning coming from my bedroom. 

I slowly opened the door to see the girl Jack had with him and then my boyfriend. They were both fucking each other. 

"What the hell is going on?" I said becoming pissed off

"You aren't giving him enough so he decided to come to a girl who can give him more than you ever could" the girl said 

"Enjoy my leftovers bitch. He wasn't good anyways" I slammed the door shut and walked downstairs. 

"Can someone go take care of the mess in my bedroom because if I do some bitch is going to be either dead or in the hospital" I said 

The boys went to go see what I was talking about and few minutes later Jack brought down a beat up Noah and Dean walked down with the girl tossing them both outside. 

I started on dinner and felt someone standing behind me. 

"Are we back in high school, Jack" I said turning around with a chuckle. 

"I can't stare at the girl who is still beautiful to this day?" he said with a smile on his face. 

"I have curves from having Micah how am I anywhere near beautiful?" I asked 

"You gave birth to a beautiful baby who has an amazing mom who would do anything for him" he said 

"Jack, can I ask you something?" 

"What is that lil ma?" he asked

"Can we start over?  But this time take it slow" 

"We can totally do that, honestly I missed you a lot. You never left my mind, Em" Jack said 

I smiled and finished up dinner when I turned around I saw Jack putting Micah in his high chair and placing baby food on the table and he started to feed him. I felt someone standing behind me. I saw Dean with a smile on his face. 

"He talked about having kids and how he wanted you back because he wanted you to be the mother of his kids. At first I thought he was joking but this makes me believe he was not lying" Dean said taking a seat in one of the chairs. 

I served dinner and took a seat next to Jack and began to dig into our food. 

After dinner I gave Micah a bath and I sat on my bed after replacing the sheets and started to feed him. I heard my door open and I looked up to see Jack with a smile on his face, he sat next to me and ran his fingers over Micah head. Micah slowly started to fall asleep and I placed him in his play pin next to me. 

"Will you lay with me tonight?" I asked 

He nodded and took off his shirt and pants leaving him in his boxer and he laid next to me, I laid my head on his chest. We cuddled until I fell asleep. 

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