New school

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You have just moved to a new town called "Rainhill" that means,new house,friends and school! And for you,that is not something easy. You are not the "popular" type of girl which dates the most popular guy at school. You spent all your free time studying due to the fact that you don't have friends or someone to talk to when you are not feeling fine, which is pretty often by the way.But maybe this year could be different! I'm not asking to date the popular guy,just someone who you really care about! And have friends that love you for who you are!
As soon as you enter the school after a 20 minute ride, you see a guy. In fact, it is the only one you see. He is not that beautiful,but he is laughing with his friends and does not care about what other people think,which is extraordinary for you! He seems smart. After a few moments of just looking at him,on of his friends tells him that you are looking at him. He turns around and looks at you with his beautiful brown eyes! You can't stop looking at him! But you stop because it was getting awkward.
You are going to see in which class you are. It could be: A (were the popular people are), B(were the sweet ones are) or C (were the popular ones are,
but they are not as popular as the A ones) you are in the B! You are happy about it,but you don't know why. When you enter the class,the teacher presents you. You can see the same boy that before in the same class as you! You were so happy! There was a empty sit next to him, so you sat next to him! "Hi,how are you?" You can hear a beautiful voice talking to you,it was him! You talk to him for a while and find yourself laughing at his jokes! You were falling for him! His personality was the perfect one! When the bell rings, you walk out of the classroom and try to make friends.

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