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!! trigger warning: towards the end of this chapter, things get a little heated between y/n and her father, I'll add a "✎" to indicate when the scene starts and when it ends !!

Y/n's entire life had been a sort of quiet haze, at least after her mother was gone. She had vague memories of what her mom used to be like.

She knew her mom was fun, that she happily fueled all of little y/n's fantasies. Y/n saw a dinosaur in the backyard? of course she did! and now her mom had something for y/n to do for the day, hunt down the dinosaur!

Her mom told her stories, which heavily inspired y/n to write her own. Admittedly, little y/n's stories weren't very great, but that didn't mean her mother was any less supportive. 

When y/n grew older, she wished she could write for the rest of her life. Stories would fit their way into her head effortlessly. If only her mother could read her stories now.


When Y/n got bored of adding the final details to her room, she had begun writing. As soon as her pen touched the page, she flinched from a loud knock at the door. The blank page now had an unceremonious line at the top, and y/n sighed in frustration. Despite her frustration, she swayed over to the door and opened it.

"Yes, dad?"

"Your friend is here. Be home by 10."

Y/n nodded and strolled over to the door. She took another deep breath and smiled widely, opening the door to Betty's sunny face.

"Y/N!" Betty beamed, giving y/n a quick hug.

"Hey, Betty."

Y/n stepped outside into the sunny weather. Now that time had passed and the evening was rolling in, y/n could feel the cool air. It reminded her of Washington, though this 'cool' breeze was still warm, at least to y/n.

"What movie did you say was playing?" Y/n asked.

"I don't think I told you, if I did I have no idea what because in all honesty I just wanted to get out of the house, away from my family"

"That's fair."

"By the way, would you be upset if I told you I invited someone?"

"No, not at all" Y/n shook her head softly as she spoke, despite being a little surprised "So, who is it you invited?"

"It's a kid named Ponyboy. Loves going to the movies, but he always goes alone and it ends up causing him trouble. He got jumped yesterday leaving the one I was supposed to go with him. Might as well treat him to something."

"Oh god, is he alright?" 

"little dude's alright, he can really handle a beating, I tell ya. Felt pretty bad for leaving him alone like that, so again I hope it's alright I invited him to go with us."

"I don't mind, it's awfully nice of you."

It took the girls a while to arrive at the theater, where Betty had to convince Y/n to sneak in. Y/n was hesitant at first, but Betty's convincing worked and they both ducked underneath a hole in a fence. Y/n was sure that she cut her stomach, but when she checked, she was okay–she was just paranoid.

They made their way over to some seats in front of the movie when Betty seemed to have noticed a friend in the line of cars.

"Two-Bit! get your ass over 'ere!" Betty yelled with a wide grin on her face

Y/n shrunk into her seat, not knowing who it was that Betty was yelling at and her eyes were unable to locate Two-bit until she saw someone sprinting at full speed towards their location. Y/n prepared for a full-on collision until Betty jumped up and ran towards him as well, both of them reaching their hands out for a high-five. Y/n laughed at their child-like nature.

[DISCONTINUED] The Lonely Hearts Club | Dallas Winston X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now