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"We don't know." Darry sighed in frustration, his shoulders becoming tenser than they already were.

"You don't... know?" Y/n questioned, her eyebrows furrowing.

"We can worry about it later." Y/n's dad put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it tightly, hoping that she got the hint.

Y/n felt her stomach sink and she leaned against the window. Hoping to ease the tension, Sodapop offered a few jokes, to which everyone chuckled at. The sky outside was slowly becoming dark. There were already a few stars out, and Y/n found herself focusing on them rather than whatever the others were talking about. Then her focus moved to the people outside. There were a few greasers walking around, and even some Socs. Dairy Queen was truly the place everyone could be at peace, it just had the vibe.

As she continued to people watch, she made eye contact with someone. From so far away, she couldn't really tell who it was, but as he got closer she saw that it was Dally. Her heart felt as though it stopped, and heat slowly ran up to her cheeks. She looked away for a second but looked back. She was nervous. Why she was nervous she didn't know. Maybe it was just that he was intimidating.

Y/n realized she was staring, and that Dally was waving at her to come outside. Thankfully, no one at the table noticed him. Y/n made up the excuse that she was going to head to the bathroom, and when no one was looking, she rushed out of the door. 

She looked around for Dally but turned around and he was right in front of her. She jumped a little bit and he laughed. There was something about it that made her heart flutter. 

"Looks like it's you who can't get enough of me this time," Y/n said.

"Oh, shut it," He leaned against the building and lit up a cigarette.

"Are you here purely as a coincidence or was there something you needed to tell me?"

"Yes, actually. I," His voice faltered. He seemed nervous, "I want to talk to you about earlier today."

Y/n stopped in her tracks. She had remembered it so vividly it scared her. She could still feel how close he was, and it made her heart, which already felt like it was running a 5k, beat even harder

"I'm sorry if I was-" Y/n started

"You don't need to apologize," Dally's voice sounded a little harsh, but Y/n knew it was well-intended, "I just... it was in the heat of the moment, I didn't mean it." For some reason this made Y/n's eyes sting a little, but she pushed those feelings down.

"That's... that's fine. I should get back inside. I don't think it takes this long to go to the bathroom." Y/n knew that sounded a lot colder than what she intended, but she didn't feel the need to say anything about it.

Dally nodded, although he looked disappointed.  She brushed passed him, heading for the door. She'd hoped he would say something, but by the time she sat back down at the table, he–and his car–were gone.

No one at the table noticed her shifted mood, but at least the conversation went smoothly. No fights broke out and the night ended well, which was a 10/10 in Y/n's book. When everyone finished their meals, it was time to go home. She said goodbye to Sodapop and Darry, wished them luck that Ponyboy would arrive home safely, and hopped back in the truck with her dad.

"I know you didn't go to the bathroom," Her dad started as soon as he closed the door.

Y/n practically shat herself when she processed what he said. She muttered incoherently, trying to find some kind of excuse.

"Y/n, it's okay," Those words were spoken so softly it almost made Y/n wonder if he had some kind of chronic illness, "I don't know who that boy is, but I'm glad you're making friends."

[DISCONTINUED] The Lonely Hearts Club | Dallas Winston X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now