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The face in front of her was one she'd seen the night before. The face of the boy who'd walked her home

It was, without a trace of doubt, Dallas Winston.

"Thank you," Y/n muttered, standing up and wiping the dirt off of her clothes.

It felt like forever that they were in some sort of staring contest, but sooner than expected, he walked away, almost embarrassed that he'd been caught. He was supposed to "Tuff", So maybe he felt embarrassed because he could've looked like he was going soft by roughing up a couple of guys for a girl? Well, whatever it was, Y/n couldn't figure it out.

Dallas Winston was a mystery. A mystery she wanted to solve.

Y/n power walked to catch up with him, a surge of confidence pushing her towards him. It took her a second to match his speed. Damn his long legs.

"I mean it thank you. Is there any possible way I can repay you?" Y/n sputtered, twiddling her thumbs.

"Well there is one way you can repay me, doll," He motioned to his pants, which made Y/n start sputtering incoherent words. 

"I'm just kidding," He laughed, to Y/n also responded in quiet nervous laughter.

"You don't need to repay me." He remarked, "but I remember telling you yesterday that it's not safe to walk alone," 

"I guess I'm not one to listen to what others have to say," Even if it's at my own expense.

A goofy smile spread across his face and he slowed to a stop, "I like that about you," he stopped for a moment, again, opening his mouth as if he was going to say something, but turned around and continued walking.

Y/n could feel the heat rush to her cheeks. She was visibly shaken up and a little frazzled. She turned around to head home. She walked quickly until she began to recognize the area. When she was about to head into her house, she hesitated. With her interest in Dally piqued, she decided to do a little digging. Who better to ask than her neighbor?

Betty's house stood out like a sore thumb,  she still couldn't get over how nice their garden was, or how they did;t have any chainlink fences covering the property.

"Y/n, what's up." Betty beamed when she opened the door. Y/n was slightly taken aback, seeing as betty's hair was tied back and not quite washed yet, with small little red dots covering her face, "Sorry I look kinda dead, I just woke up" 

"You look great, don't worry. I have to ask you about someone." Y/n said, taking a seat on the couch, which was surprisingly comfortable.

"Who would that someone be?"


Betty seemed a little shocked for a second before she shook her head and looked right back at Y/n. She seemed slightly uncomfortable about the question.

"Why are you asking about Dally? of all people?" Betty asked, reluctantly.

"I just, I guess I'm curious about him? I mean he did walk me home last night and he seems... well I don't know to explain it, I guess"

"He's not a person you should be intrigued by Y/n. Now I haven't talked to him a whole bunch, but I do know that he isn't the greatest influence, and you're a nice kid Y/n."

"I'm not a kid Betty, and I understand it might be bad to be curious about him, but can you just tell me a little bit about him?"

"Okay, okay. Where do I start?" Betty breathes in deeply, before letting it all out, seemingly a little frustrated, but she just sits down in the armchair that's next to the couch. "Well, he's been in the cooler a couple of times, lived in a dangerous neighborhood in, New York I believe? I can't remember. Johnny looks up to him. quite a lot. That's about all I can think of." Betty paused. "He's been in this on-again-off-again relationship with a girl named Sylvia, but the way he talks about her... I don't think he really likes her all that much."

[DISCONTINUED] The Lonely Hearts Club | Dallas Winston X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now