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dan walked over to phil's house this time. catching phil by surprise.
'woa, what are you doing here?' he signed lazily.
'what, i can't surprise my best friend?' dan signed back. once again, phil was surprised.
'you don't sign, because you say you are too lazy, and you like talking, because it's fun.' they walked down the steps, following their normal route.
'whatever, maybe you need more practice reading sign, i mean you can do it. but, you're blind. so' dan smiled.
'what're you hinting at?' phil signed, making his signature skeptical face.
'you should wear your glasses.' he playfully punched phil in the elbow.
phil pulled his backpack in front of him, digging for his case. he felt the smooth rectangular case. he pulled it out, opening it and placing his hlasses on his face.
'ew, i bet i look disgusting.' he hid his face with his hands.
"no, you look beautiful." dan said aloud, pulling phil's hands away.
a light blush appeared on phil's cheeks.
'what's going on here?'
"nothinggg, hey we still on for game night tonight?"
'of course!'
phil felt something tingle in his stomach. what was this weird feeling.
'so, what new games did you get dan?' phil scooted closer to dan, eyes wide with curiosity.
"apocalypse of the damned!" dan held the game out in front of them.
'oh my god. i thought they didn't sell those anymore!' dan handed phil the game. he read the back and awed at the game's cover design.
"my uncle sells old fames at a shop downtown, i saw he had it. and freaked out." he put it back into his bag. they each got up, ready to head to their classes. the hallway was fairly populated. they twisted and turned through the hallway, until they bumped into a certain someone.
"watch where you're going, tall-ass!" rich turned around. "oh, it's you tall-asses." he shoved dan lightly. triggering phil, he quickly stood in the middle of the two. "what're you going to do? hit me with your crutches?" he stepped infront of phil, standing a little taller. he shoved phil, catching him off guard, he fell backwards on top of dan. "mess with me again, and you won't need those crutches." rich and his gang walked away. leaving phil and dan in pieces.


lowkey getting lazy. also smol bmc references. am so not sorry.

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