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first stop // the ice rink \\
phil looked at the place im a amazement, dan had called his friend thomas to clear the space. afterall, he owed him one.
'where is everyone?' phil asked.
"it's just you and i."
as a kid, dan took skating lessons, so he knew a few things. they laced up and dan took phil's hands. he led them onto the ice and they began to skate around.
dan signalled to thomas. he turned up some of their favorite tunes. phil's face lit up as some fall out boy and twenty one pilot songs turned on.
then, 'i can't help falling in love with you' came on.
dan skated backwards a bit. he began singing along
"wise men say.."
he moved his hand down to his waist. and the other onto his shoulder.
"only fools rush in.."
gently, he twirled phil around.
"but i, can't help. falling in love with you.."
he twirled him again and dipped him down, gazing into his beautiful eyes.
"take my hand.."
dan reached his hand out. phil giggled a bit and held his hand.
"take my whole life, too.."
as he took his hand, dan glided along with phil, holding him tightly.
" cause i can't help, falling in love with you.."
dan hesitantly pecked phil on the lips. to which, phil pulled him closer.
they kissed, and pulled away from each other. a blushing mess.
thomas tool the opportunity to rickroll the two of them. earning a middle finger from dan.
second stop // the gaming console \\
alfie had cleared the entire place out and called out for pj and chris. it was just the fantastic foursome.
and alfie, i guess.
he handed them each unlimited pass cards. winked, and headed back to his office.
"what've you two been up to?" chris asked, winking very cheekily.
pj rolled his eyes,"are you two gay yet?"
"i mean i am, but phil's a little quiet." dan said, nudging phil.
phil scoffed.
he signed, "whatever, let's play some rounds," dan translated.
they ran around the arcade, maxing out as many games as they could. pj and chris being a team against dan and phil in every game. they played guitar hero, a game phil and pj used to play together all the time. and so it was an even match.
then, played all the fighting games, yelling at each other. but laughing at the end of it.
they even played some dance dance revolution, to which dan beat all of them.
some karaoke, phil judged the three of them. who knew chris had a lovely singing voice?
a little of the sporty games. pj and dan both commented that they should have an eight pack.
it was all to get them ready, for mariokart.
it's sleek design and gameplay.
the car like console.
ooh, the cherry on top.
they took their seats at the game, sliding in their cards.
each one revved at the action.
now it was time to choose.
dan chose shy guy, he said it really represents him. spiritually.
phil chose rosalina, mainly because she was as pale as him.
pj decided on choosing luigi, as he wanted a 'stache like his.
and finally chris. he was too slow on choosing, it decided for him. he got donkey kong.
they got their selected cars and items, now it was time for the race.
🌸                \\swearing//
"pj, gET YOUR PUBE FACE AWAY!" chris screamed. he jerked the wheel.
"ffFFFfFffFFffFFFUCCCCCCK!!" dan yelled.
"pHIL, WHAT THE DICK?!" pj drifted along the sides, screaming to phil.
"YOU STUPID MASKED GREMLIN, I'LL EAT YOU!!" chris clutched the wheel tighter.
the exchange went on until it went to the final stretch.
items were thrown at each.
finally, someone zoomed over the finish.
"TAKE THAT BITCHES, I WON!" dan yelled victoriously.
phil crossed in second, chris in third, and pj in fourth.
they walked over to the bar area, sweaty and tired.
"how was it boys? i could hear you from my, sound proof, office." alfie chuckled.
third stop // the park \\
it was getting pretty late. and there wasn't a cloud in sight.
dan took phil's hand and led him into an opening on the ground's forest. in the middle there was a, tumblr worthy, tent set up. fairy lights encased the edges. underneath a lean-to, was a picnic table. also there was pj, chris, alfie and louise. they held their arms out, leading to the table.
dan and phil took their seats. pj, chris and alfie made their behund the tent to the set up kitchen. ready for the orders.
louise walked to the table, laying down the handmade menu, made by dan.
it displayed all of phil's favorites. breakfast, dinner/lunch, and dessert.
"hello, i'm louise and i'll be taking your orders today. we'll start off with breakfast."
phil smiled happily and looked at the menu. instantly he signed, 'waffles please.' he looked over to dan, he ordered the same.
after a couple minutes, louise and chris came out with two plates of waffles.
"these plates were made by chef chris here," they walked back to the kitchen.
'when did you have the time to do this? didn't we arrange going out, this morning?' he smiled.
"i make time to be with my favorite person."
they ate in comfortable silence, louise took their plates. "what do you guys want for dinner or lunch?"
phil smirked, 'how about, lo mein?' dan asked for the same.
'guessing that each course is cooked by each 'chef'? so that probably means, pj is cooking this. who makes a mean lo mein?' phil signed eagerly.
"you always were the smarter one." he smirked.
louise and pj came out with their dishes. phil smiled.
"this dish was made by chef pj, enjoy."
'called it.'
they ate the dish happily, until louise came out and grabbed their plates.
"may i interest you boys in some, desert?" she asked, a little tipsy.
"are you all drunk back there?" dan asked.
"no.." louise said, unconvincingly.
'whatever. i'll get the chocolate lava cake, please.' phil batted his eyelashes
"i'll get the same."
louise and alfie came out with the dishes. after they ate, and got their plates taken up, the four of them, and the alcohol, left, leaving dan and phil alone.
dan had set out a picnic blanket, they had been laying down on their backs. gazing at the stars. phil pointed at each one, naming them. telling their stories. dan ga(y)zed at phil. staring at his beauty and curiosity.
they laid their quietly. phil turned to dan. they were cuddling silently. their faces very close.
each one had a pink tint on their cheeks.
phil sat up, dan following suit.
he looled straight into his eyes.
"i-i think i l-love y-yo-you."
finally, their lips met.


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