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L o u i s

So Harry in rut was...

Harry in rut was interesting.

Louis was shocked and overwhelmed by all the filth rumbling from his mouth, not in a bad way, but just a surprised way. Maybe pleased, a little bit, once he got over the fact that Harry, the alpha he had always been wary of, was probably the hottest dirty-talker he had ever witnessed.

Maybe Louis was still half asleep, but he was sure he had never experienced anything like it before.

The first time hurt, as it often did. Not badly, but enough. Alphas in rut tended to be selfish in the beginning, overcome with pure need, and Harry was no different. Once he had Louis how he wanted him, he pressed in and didn't stop until he was satisfied. The pleasure was still there, and it was enough to keep Louis from crying out in pain or trying to escape. It encompassed him in warmth and welcome, like falling into bed after a long day of work.

Louis hadn't meant to cry. He had never cried before during sex and he had always considered it to be something pathetic and embarrassing. He was so glad Harry seemed to be out of it, his eyes dark, his gaze focused on the place where he was entering Louis whose hole was stretched and sore already, that he either didn't notice Louis was crying or he didn't care.

That was, until he reached his hand out and wiped a few stray tears off his cheek.

So, the first time hurt, and Louis cried, and kept his eyes on the alarm clock on the nightstand, the green numbers glowing in the darkness. 4:17 AM. He wondered how long it would be until Harry shoved his knot in.

He was still whispering things in his ear, licking his neck and biting at the skin, then smoothing over the pain with his tongue and lips. The accumulation of saliva was, quite frankly, gross. But it soothed something primal inside him.

"I know it hurts, baby... Take it for me. I know you can do it... You're doing so well."

Simultaneously, he felt embarrassed that Harry has to talk him through it, and turned on by his encouragements. He was filled to the brim and shaking like a dog as the alpha on top of him pounded into him, the entire bed creaking, close to slamming into the wall but not quite there yet. With each thrust it felt like he pressed in even deeper than the last, enough to knock the wind out of him, rendering him breathless and gasping.

The thing was, it felt so good. So incredibly good.

Louis had been with alphas before but never like this. He and Harry may not have had any interpersonal connection before this but there was no denying they had chemistry. At the very least, their biology was compatible in a way that exploded stars beneath Louis' skin, carrying fissures of pleasure through his bloodstream. It was almost too much to bear.

When it happened, the swell of Harry's knot was scary and impossible. There was a point where Louis feared it would never stop swelling and they would both die a humiliating death. Just when it became too much to deal with, it popped into place, settling past the ring of muscle of his entrance, filling him deeply. Satisfying that primal part of him, that part of him that was always craving this in some way, that part of him that wanted nothing more than an alpha's knot.

Usually, even while knotted, there was the feeling that the moment was fleeting and when it was over he and the alpha would go back to being friends or strangers or whatever they were before that moment. His wolf never liked that, the idea that the alpha he was with wasn't his, that they weren't meant to be.

For once, his inner omega was calm. Completely satisfied.

Harry was praising him over and over again, his hips settling against Louis' ass. He flopped forward, landing on top of him, his entire body draped over him, limp and heavy.

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