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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

He soon became very familiar with the hardwood floor beneath him.

Harry fucked him so hard his knees buckled and he slumped forward, lying down. When the alpha finished, he flopped on top of Louis and began mumbling nonsense against the back of his neck.

It took Louis at least ten minutes to realize he was saying I'm sorry.

Why was he apologizing? For not listening to Louis when he asked to move to a softer surface? For almost getting into a fight with a stranger? For something else entirely?

It didn't matter. Louis squirmed against him, agitating their tie and making them groan with pleasure and a hint of pain. He stopped moving and tried not to shiver at the feeling of humid breath against his skin, sending tingles ricocheting through his body.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry... I'm-"

"Hey, hey. It's okay." He cringed at his own words, which were hardly comforting. But to be fair, having absolutely no idea what to say didn't make it very easy. During the few ruts he spent with alphas, all he had to do was tell them how good he felt and how much he wanted their knot. Then the alpha would knot and come and pass out and that was that. When they woke up again, they would be ready for the next round. There wasn't a lot of talking.

Louis didn't know what to do with this. Harry was strange. In a good way. It made the omega's heart hurt.

He wasn't alone in that regard. The number of omegas who swooned over him was astronomical. Louis had a bad choice of a crush. He had no chance with him. Even if they weren't enemies, he wouldn't have had a chance.

"Sorry, I'm sorry."

"Can we move to the couch?" Louis suggested. His sweats were caught around his knees and it made it difficult to move his legs. He was also being crushed under the alpha's weight. He added, "You're heavy," hoping it would make a difference.

Harry grunted and heaved them up, wrapping his arms around Louis' tummy to keep them attached. Louis squeaked in surprise at first but tried to calm down because was getting what he wanted, afterall.

It was incredibly awkward to get situated on the couch, but they ended up spooning, with Louis facing the cushions and Harry draped over his body. The position should've felt hot and oppressive, yet he couldn't muster up the strength to feel uncomfortable. He only felt protected.

The rest of the day passed with them fucking on the couch and dozing off afterwards. Louis was exhausted but he didn't have the heart to deny Harry, not today at least.

The alpha would become more coherent after they were knotted and after he made sure Louis had gotten off at least two times per session. Then his eyes would clear a little and they'd be able to have normal conversations.

It was when the sun was setting, casting the living room in golden light, that he finally asked, "Aren't you hungry?"

"Mm, yeah." He was busy gnawing on Louis' shoulder.

"Let's get up and go to the kitchen, then. I can heat up your stew. C'mon."

It was a miracle that he let go of him enough to let him stand up. Louis tried to pull his pants up but Harry wouldn't let him. He rolled his eyes and waddled to the kitchen, telling himself it was because of the sweats around his knees and not the fact that his ass was sore. Like, really sore.

Harry trailed close behind him, fingers brushing against his hip. He inhaled deeply to catch their mixed scent, which smelled more alluring than Louis cared to admit. If he could've, he would've bottled it up to save for times when they weren't together. Maybe for his next heat, Louis could ask Harry to borrow one of his worn t-shirts or something. As if that wasn't the most humiliating thing ever. But he figured, after this, Harry would owe him.

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