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H a r r y

"So what happened? I thought you two didn't like each other?"

Harry shrugged, taking another sip of his drink. He had been drinking since noon because that was what people did on vacation, apparently. It was nice, though, to recline on a comfortable chair in the shade after a few hours in the sun, with a cold glass in his hands.

"It was your rut, wasn't it," Liam muttered, starting another sudoku puzzle.

"He knew before then," Harry smirked, tapping his fingers on the glass and playing with the condensation. From the upper deck he had a good vantage point of Louis sunbathing by the edge of the pool. He had just gotten out of the water so he body was shimmering in the sun like a precious gem.

He was very pleasing to look at. Harry was very lucky.

"Knew what?"

"That I'm his Alpha."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

They got some time to themselves the next day, when Niall, Liam, and Zayn decided to go out to dinner and both Harry and Louis conveniently felt like staying in. By then, everyone knew they were together, albeit unofficially, so it was no secret. Liam's last request upon leaving the room was to please don't do anything in our bed.

So they left the second bed alone but defiled pretty much every other surface in the room. Their own bed, the floor, the window, the mirror, the kitchen counter, the shower... the list went on. They only had two hours at most so they had decided to make the most of it.

They ended up in front of the mirror again, with Louis bent over the desk. He arched back to meet each of Harry's thrusts and he was so gorgeous it made Harry's heart throb with deep affection. He couldn't stop running his hands all over hm; it felt satisfying and fulfilling to hold him.

He draped his body over Louis' as he pushed his knot in with a groan because it felt good to encompass him like this, to protect him. The mixture of their scents was driving him crazy and he got lost in it, lapping at Louis' neck as Louis whimpered and moaned beneath him. He pulled him off with his hand, stripping his cock until it was just enough to push him over the edge and come.

Louis body relaxed on the desk but Harry was hardly paying attention because his mind was a mess of my omega , and so good , and meant to be .

"Fuck, Harry! What the fuck?!"

He tried to ask huh? but his mouth was already occupied. The typical pleasure of knotting was amplified and everything felt especially blissful. Euphoric.

Which made him then realize he had sunk his teeth into the marking spot on Louis' neck.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry," he gasped, pulling away enough to speak and staring down at the bit of blood. The inside of his mouth tasted like metal but he hardly noticed as waves of pleasure ran through him. "It was an accident, I didn't mean to do that-"

"You're such an idiot," Louis panted. He slumped forward on the desk and buried his face in his arms, moaning.

Harry was still shaken and literally shaking from what he did, unable to believe it. He had just tied them together in more ways than one and there was nothing they could do about it now. That wasn't part of the plan at all, they had barely even talked about courting let alone bonding.

He apologized in between instinctual licks to the mark, soothing the sore skin and hopefully calming his omega as well. He felt so bad about it, and so scared that Louis would hate him.

"It's fine, Harry," Louis said eventually, once he had regained his breath and wherewithal enough to say something that wasn't just calling him a knothead.

"Please don't cry," Harry begged.

"I'm not crying, you're crying." It was partly a lie; they were both crying. The tidal wave of various emotions was a lot to handle. "Can we go sit down?"

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' torso to keep him steady and they waddled over to the bed, where he sat down and pulled the omega with him until the were spooning, facing the window and looking out at the ocean and the big blue sky above it.

"I can't believe you did that," Louis laughed, reaching back to grab Harry's hand and interlace their fingers.

"I'm so sorry," he mumbled into his shoulder, nosing at his skin in apology. "I have no excuse. That was really stupid of me."

"Are you sorry that we're bonded?"

It felt like a trick question but he knew the only way to answer it was in honesty. "I wanted us to bond but I didn't necessarily want it to happen so soon."

The omega reached up to his neck to feel the mark, wincing when his fingers touched the tender, ruptured skin. They came away bloodied. "Good, we're on the same page then. The only thing I'm mad about is that I have to explain this to my mom. So thanks for that."

Harry cringed at the thought, then went back to licking to bond mark because it seemed to please Louis, not to mention Harry's inner wolf.

"I love you," Louis whispered. "I think because we're bonded now, I'm allowed to say that."

The tingles of happiness that spread through his body at those words were uncanny. "I love you," Harry told him, pressing his cheek against Louis' back and reveling in his warmth and his soft skin. "I've loved you for a while now."

Laughter bubbled out of Louis and he buried his face in a pillow to contain it. "I can't believe we just did that," he groaned, "We are literally that couple that accidentally bonds. I hate us."

"You love us," Harry corrected. He tried not to smile but he couldn't help it; he could feel his omega's emotions through the bond, experiencing the same love and happiness Louis was experiencing.

"What're we gonna do when they get back?"

Harry squeezed Louis' hip, thinking about it. Their friends would be back soon and that was a problem. He and Louis were still tied together and his knot was going to take forever to go down since they had just bonded.

And then what? All he wanted to do in the near future was fuck his omega into oblivion. He couldn't respectably do that if there were other people in the room.

"I think we should see if we can get another room. I can pay for it," Harry offered. "We just have to hope they have an opening."

Louis craned his neck to give him a kiss on the jaw, brushing his lips against his skin and making him shiver. Suddenly Harry was thinking about having Louis like this all the time. And this was his life. This was the promise of his future.

The omega started laughing in a way that made his body shake because he tried to contain it.

God, he loved Louis, and he was his. Finally. His omega. He couldn't contain the fond, excited smile that lit up his face. They were bonded; they belonged to each other. They would spend the rest of their lives together.

"What is it?"

"Niall's gonna be so pissed when he finds out we ruined this vacation."

A/N: Thanks so much for reading! All comments are appreciated <3

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