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Sorry this is so short but I #forgot this story existed for a half second, but im back :P

"Class, this is (y/n). They'll be joining us for the remainder of the year until we can find where they fit in our school."

You stared intently at your homeroom teacher, Vlad King, reading his lips intently. You were not about to fall behind your little brother just because of your imparement.

"They're deaf, and cannot hear you, so please be respectful." He turned to you, "would you like to tell us about your quirk?"

You nodded, grabbing a pencil and sheet of paper off his desk. 'I have two quirks, actually. Music manipulation, and ear shatter.'

As he read it off to the class, you moticed them looking at one another for clarification. You took the paper back from Vlad King, writing again. 'The music you heard earlier is my music manipulation. My body just automatically plays music for whatever situation I'm in, typically songs I may not have heard before. It's often called my siren song, since when I'm using my music manipulation on purpose it becomes hypnotizing. My other quirk, ear shatter, is a high frequency noise I can produce that bursts my opponents eardrums.'

You could see a few of the students recoil to collect themselves for a second. You knew what they were thinking. Why would a deaf person have two audial quirks? Not that you really cared what they thought of you, you were here to get your provisional license and get out into the world to help people.

"Very good," you caught him grumbling, "go take your seat."

You nodded, walking to the only empty desk in the middle of the room. You rested your bag against your desk, getting out a notebook and preparing for your class.

A tap on the shoulder drew you from your thoughts, and a note was slid across your desk. 'Nice to meet you, new kid. Im Tetsutetsu.'

You looked over at the silver-haired kid from earlier, smiling gently. Scribbling a reply, you handed it back to him. 'Nice to meet you, Tetsutetsu.'

'I wanna be friends, but I don't want to keep writing notes.'

You chuckled to yourself a bit, 'I can teach you sign language if you want?'

You watched his reaction, smiling as he nodded excitedly. "I wanna learn, teach me!"

You nodded in return, 'EXCITED TEACH YOU. US FUN HAVE.'

Present Mic x Deaf! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now