22 ; brother

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"gosh, jeno. your fever is getting worse.. don't go anywhere and just rest here." nayeong worriedly said as she looked to the thermometer in her hands. 38.3 °C.

jeno had no energy left to say anything and just drifted to sleep. the trip back to jeno's house was a bit exhausting, since it was so hot outside and that didn't help poor jeno.

nayeong glanced at the boy once again and went to his kitchen. she made porridge for the sick boy and hoped for it to be enough.

she was about to take his medicine from his cabinet when she heard the door opening. her eyes widen as she dropped the medicine. jeno didn't mention anyone coming here, and he said both his parents are already working.

she stood still and glanced at the hallway, only to see a figure with an all black outfit. the figure was taking off their shoes, revealing yellow socks.

suddenly, the figure looked up and their eyes widen. "who are you?"

nayeong was flustered. "i-i'm jeno's.. friend.. and you are..?" she hesitated to ask.

the man took of his cap to reveal his messy black hair and his face completely. nayeong was stunned. the man's face was so captivating or breath-taking.

"oh, jeno didn't mention anyone coming. i'm taeyong. his big brother." the man smiled. nayeong snapped out of her thoughts and smiled back. "ah, it's nice to m-meet you."

suddenly taeyong chuckled. "sorry if i scared you. has he ever mentioned he has siblings?" taeyong asked.

nayeong shook her head. "no.. he only mentioned his parents are working and he's home alone, with his cats, of course." she stated as she gazed at the cats that were sleeping peacefully.

taeyong raised his right eyebrow. "huh, really? where is he?"

"oh, he's resting in his bedroom. he has a pretty bad fever-"

"wait what?!"


"gosh, thank you so much for taking care of jeno, nayeong! yah, jeno, why didn't you just call me?" taeyong stared at the boy who was now drinking his medicine.

"i didn't want to interrupt you studying. and i thought-" he paused and he coughed. "that it wasn't r-really a big deal, you know, me being sick." he continued.

taeyong scoffed. "what? listen, brat. i really care about you and i was on a date- i told you this morning! plus, mom and dad will kill me if i don't take care of you while yoonji and they're gone!" he scolded the boy.

jeno only closed his eyes. "i'm sorry."

taeyong only sighed. "just rest, if you need anything just call me with your phone. i'll be downstairs, i need to cook dinner." he stated.

"also, nayeong, you're coming with me." he gestured her to follow him. nayeong looked up to him, surprised. she nodded and followed him.


"i think i would've been dead by now if you didn't take care of him. jeno too. how did you know he had a fever?" taeyong asked as he made some food for himself and the younger girl.

"well i was wandering around the minimarket near school and i met jeno. he looked dead, if i say so myself. and he was coughing a lot.. so i figured he's sick and asked if i had any fever just in case. and he said he was kind of hot since around.. 11 am?" taeyong widened his eyes.

"that long? gosh, that brat." he said to himself as he served the dinner he made.

"thanks for dinner, taeyong. i hope jeno will feel better as soon as possible." nayeong smiled as she stared at the food he made. "and these all look delicious. you're a really good cook."

taeyong smiled back. "thanks. just dig in."


they got to know each other as they had dinner together. she learned that taeyong was in college and was just on a date with his girlfriend, seulgi.

"anyway, don't you have to like, go home? it's already 5 pm. it's about to get dark. your parents must be worried." taeyong stared at the younger, concerned as he cleaned the dishes.

"my parents are out of town and working as usual." she sighed as she wiped the wet dishes.

"huh, you're the same as me and jeno, also our older sister, yoonji. they're always working. now they're taking yoonji with them since yoonji can speak multiple languages." taeyong chuckled at the thought of his 26 year old sister whining because she didn't want to go anywhere.

suddenly nayeong stopped. making taeyong worried. "nayeong? is everything o-"

"oh my god, jisung!" her eyes widen.

"who?" taeyong asked, confused.

"i have a little brother! his name is jisung and he's home alone and oh my god it's 5 pm!" she panicked.

taeyong's eyes widen. "there's a fetus at your home? how old is he?!" taeyong asked, running to the living room to get nayeong's blue backpack.

"he's 17.." she said as she put on her backpack with the help of taeyong.

"well, you gotta hurry, it's a bit late and you never know." taeyong ruffled the younger's hair, making her smile.

her response shocked taeyong, since when he does it to jeno, he avoids the older. is this what it feels like to have a little sister? oh my god. he thought.

"yes, of course. thanks for dinner!" she smiled as she got out of the house.

taeyong gave her a thumbs up. "if you need anything, let me know."

"oh, well- can you give this to jeno?" she pulled out a little snickers. "i bought this for him actually, but then i realized he was sick, i decided to give it to him later."

taeyong's face lit up. "wah, this is his favorite snack! he loves these. did he tell you about that?" he asked. nayeong shook her head.

"anyway, please take care of him, i'll get going." she smiled one last time to the older.

taeyong waved. "of course, thank you, nayeong! go back safely!"


this shit long
+ sorry that im constantly switching between narration and letter format... now this book seems messy but i hope u guys r ok with that <3



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