29 ; roof

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"wow, our big baby is graduating today.. time flies so fast huh?" father chirped while driving. mother chuckled, agreeing. "can't believe you're going to be a college student."

i only smiled. of course time flies so fast, they're rarely home for 2 years. always working. i'm grateful that they can come to my graduation. i hope they can come to jisung's too next year.

"and next year, it's our little baby!" he smiled widely. jisung scratched his head in embarrassment. "hehe, yeah."

it feels so weird, yet so nice to have this moment, since they're not always home. and i missed being in a car with my family.

"good luck for today, okay? we'll be in the audience. we'll try to get front seat!" father said as he dropped me off. "haha, good luck with that too." i replied.

i watched them speed off to the parking lot. i guess it's today.

graduation. and possibly the day i'm finally gonna know who n is.

i walked to my locker and gazed at it. it all started there. i'm really thankful to whoever n is. i was having a bad morning but when i saw their letter and the milk they gave me, i lit up instantly. i felt cared for.

i continued walking until i reached the door leading to the roof. who could it be?

i held the handle of the door and slowly pushed the door open. i don't wanna expect anything, but i can't help it. are they gonna be there or not? with a milk and another letter perhaps?

at this point, the door was fully opened and i could see the roof fully.

my expectations were crushed.

stay safe y'all
and sorry for
being such a
bad author :'

- nin

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