Chapter 1

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Sanubis: Evil Day's Revenge


"So, about our plan?" The voice was feeble, like a vase with one too many cracks. "Ah, yes. I've found the perfect god." The demon was a brilliant apple red, and he appeared to be speaking to himself. The desert winds were quiet for once. That could only mean trouble. The air was still and tense, as if someone was holding their breath. The demons voice matched hisself; weak, feeble and meek. The demon stared down a hole the size of a pot. "Yes, I do agree that will save time, but- this week?! You expect me to have it done THIS WEEK?!" The demon started pacing and muttering under his breath. Yes, he most definitely appeared crazy. The ground shook, like a rattlesnakes tail. Ironically, a juvenile snake slithered up and circled the demon. The demon cautiously bowed down to the snake. The demon started muttering to the reptilian creature. Apparently, the snake didn't like that, for it hissed megaphonically. The ground shook more impatient and violently. Then, the miniature sized hole widened just enough for the demon to fall into to his death. The snake looked as if it were smiling as he slithered away. Miles and miles of pure, plain, untouched desert laid in his path. He stopped suddenly and tilted he head, as if listening to something. A hissing noise. Very, very faintly. The hissing sounded like it was speaking. "Hondddooooeeeeee."


Being imprisoned on a ship SUCKS. I have been taunted, glared at, barked at, and laughed at. And that's not even the worse part. Zia hadn't moved a centimeter since I was thrown in a stinky, smelly, dirty jail cell. Quite rudely, I might add. I leaned my head up against the wall. Very obviously, the rooms were magic and god protected, because I was sitting there being the damsel in distress and my prince obviously couldn't come to save me. Looking around defeated my ADHD Kicked in. There was a bunch of trays scattered throughout the cell. Might as well stack them. So, I cleaned it up. Very neatly, if I do say so myself. Suddenly, out of random, I thought of my kindergarten teacher. I remembered how she wore awful perfume, and how she passed out gold stars to students who deserved them. I deserved one right then and there on the ship. If that was my "room" for 3 days, I didn't want it to be a pigsty. I made the 2 prison resembling beds and with all my strength, tucked Zia into her bed.

I sighed and sat back down on the concrete floor, bumping my head against the wall as I went. "Ow." I mumbled. Thump. Thump thump. Thump thump thump. I whipped around in shock. Someone or something was thumping back to me. Turning around to check if the guard was asleep (which he was), I slowly knocked back. An eager thump came booming back. I soon discovered using different parts of your hand made a high whump and a low thwack. I thought for a second. If this person or thing was carter or Anubis, they were certainly smart enough to figure out what I was about to do. I got centimeters away from the wall and coughed loudly. Then I used two high wumps for the syllables of Carters name, paused for two seconds and used three low thwack for the syllables of Anubis's name. Low because Anubis speaks lower than carter. No response. About ten seconds later, a loud cough came followed by three thumps.

Then, suddenly, I had an idea. Morse code. Surely Anubis knew morse code. I remember before Mum died she taught Carter and I morse code. 'Are you Anubis?' I tapped out. Almost instantly, I got a reply. 'Yes. Sadie?' I nearly cried tears of joy. 'Yes! Are you okay? They said they were going to hurt you badly.' 'Yes, I'm fine. Due to my amazing acting skills, they only think they're hurting me. Don't worry sadie, as long as I fake it, I'm fine.' I could hear the sarcasm in the amazing acting skills part, but I knew it was true. He was witty enough to come up with that, of course.

Before I had a chance to tap back, he tapped something fast. 'They're coming, I have to pass out. They're moving me to another cell. I love you. Your promise ring will guide you.' Not exactly what I expected. I turned around with my back to the wall. I stared at my promise ring. I was so un magicy, I felt like I would pass out. 'I bet that's why Zia passed out.' A little voice told me. I wish the little voices would go away. They've been bugging me ever since I hosted Isis. (A/N can I just call her Iris? I know with the Isis stuff it could be read the wrong way and I don't feel comfortable with using that name right now. So I'm just going to call her Iris. Thank you for understanding.) I twirled the promise ring around my finger. What did he mean, the promise ring will guide you? It's like a prophecy. Then, I felt a small surge of magic. The more I twisted it, the more magic I felt running through my veins. When I was fully charged, I walked over to Zia. I took my hand and put it to her forehead. 10 seconds went by and nothing happened. Not a thing. Then I wondered, 'how did it work on me if the rooms are magic proof? Wait, I'm not actually using magic in the atmosphere, so this won't work.' I took off my ring, careful not to drop it and put it on Zia. I slowly twisted it. She stirred. I twisted it a good twenty times and took it off. Don't want her to explode from over powering. She stirred even more and started looking more like she was sleeping rather than like she had passed out.

In 2 hours, she was sitting up. She looked at me, gave a faint smile, and got up to hug me. "Your alive." She whispered in my ear, still embracing me tightly. I pulled away and gave her a smile, "So are you." "How long?" "2 days." Two days to figure out how to get out of this vacation to hell. Zia moved over to her bunk and I to mine. We sat there, thinking in silence for a while. After about an hour, a guard who's face was caked in makeup walked up.

"Follow me." He grumbled, wiping his face with his arms. We followed the guard to a room with a sign above the door that read "Dressing Room". Zia and I exchanged worried glances and followed the guard in. "Oh, why you look just darling! Absolutely devine! Come come, we must fix yourselves! Set will want you to look your very best!" I looked up to see a troll. Covered in makeup. With pink lipstick. In a dress. Yes, a guy troll. "Oh Sam! You messed it up!" The man/woman pouted. The guard looked up to the troll. I couldn't help but giggle. His makeup was completely smeared. Suddenly, I had an idea. "Oh, mah god Sam. Your makeup, is like, smeearrreddduh." I said in the most annoying teenage voice, my hand on my cheek in shock. The guard burst out laughing. Zia quickly realized what I was doing. "Like totallyyyyy. Seriouslyyy. Oh mah gawwwddduhhh." We all burst out in laughter. "I like these two. Don't torture them too badly, Edna." The guard said as he left the room. Edna gave us this sincere look. "Don't worry, I don't hurt people that much. In fact, if I'm really hungry, I don't even cook them alive!" Edna was obviously very proud of this, so I gave her an awkward smile. "Okay, so who's first?" Edna asked, a amused look in her eyes.

Zia ended up going first after I insisted I went first. Who knows what Edna could do? Pretty soon, her face was caked in makeup. She was given a shimmery silver cocktail dress to wear and a standard low braided side bun. I ended up the same. Sam came back as soon as we finished and burst out laughing at the mere sight of us. I playfully stuck my tongue out at him, making him laugh even harder. "You two. Here, take these. Follow the other girls." He said, handing us plates of shrimp with a cocktail sauce bowl in the middle. Zia and I smiled cheerfully at him as he told us to go straight up the steps, but as soon as our backs were turned, we exchanged worried glances. We walked up the stairs to set, who was being hand fed shrimp by girls who looked both creeped out and scared out of their minds. "Ah, hello girls. Come come, the parties just getting started." Set said, noticing us, his hands pressed together. And then, I saw him. Anubis, in shackles. With girls crawling all over him. He gave me a scared and worried look. Set gave me an evil look. "Ms. Kane, I hope you especially enjoy this party."

Sanubis II: Evil Day's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now