Chapter 30

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Sky is an idiot. He was easily track able. I follow the tried to be hidden scent strait to an opening in the forest.

"No! IVY DON'T!" I look up to see my beautiful Mate Asher. He smiles at me looking and starts to scream. I turn around and a gun is to my head.

"Hello my wonderful MATE." Sky spits. He has a smug smirk on his face. He tricked me, fake hiding his scent and everything.

"Well... Hi?" I say. He grabs hold of my wrists shoving me down on the ground, kicking me strait in the groin.

"Shit." I mutter puking up blood. "That's all you got angel? Or did you lose your wings." He kicks me in the stomach again and I puke up more

"Shut up bitch I am here for your fucking caste."

"You butt face. You twisted devils span. You maleficent dingle licker. How could you beat a girl let alone a mate down?" I joke. He kicks me again, and digs his foot onto my unsuspecting hand. I feel bones in my hand break and scream out in pain. 

Sky smirks above me, and walks to Asher. He plays with the gun in his hand, twirling it around and teasing me with it, He then places it back in his boots.

"How much is he worth?" Sky asks playing with Ashers hair.

"Are you gay? Or you just into the kinky shit? Sweetie fucking me isnt going to make you feel better about coming out of the closet." Asher snarks. I start to laugh but hold back, as my ribs hurt to much. I wince in pain as someone behind me kicks me. 

"WHO WAS THAT AND I SWEAR I WILL RIP OFF YOUR FUCKING HEAD!" I say sitting up and gritting my teeth in hope to avoid the pain. Once on my feet I turn around to face Daniel.

He looks at me completely smug. 

"You chose the kitten.' He says slightly upset. 

"Well... One of my mates tried to rip out my heart, another mate turned me into a vampire, and you slept with someone else. Oh... And I love Asher from the beginning... I would have been settling if I went with any of you dumbasses. You can hardly tell a kitten from a fucking WOLF." Daniel slaps me.

"So now its domestic violence day to? Good, cause I am fed up with your fucking attitudes." I run to Sky round house kicking his face. He receives the blow and tries to trip me. Completely missed. I take my foot and kick his ass... Quite lithely.

 He falls to the ground and I kick him where the sun don't shine, and he groans in pain. "Oh shit... sorry for a second I thought you didn't have a pair."

I kick him in the face and fell blood run freely onto my shoe from his nose. He is out. I take the gun out of the unconscious angels boot and head towards Daniel.

He walks back slowly into a tree. I start to laugh and pin him to the tree with my leg on his windpipe.

"You have a choice. Sign a treaty and retreat. Or die..." Daniel hesitates. "Honestly... I feel like death is a better option... I kinda wanna stick some knifes down your pants and cut off your dick... I mean... I had my bets on the fact that it wasn't that big." I play with the gun in my hand just like Sky did.

"Retreat and I will sign the papers."I nod to one of the hidden wolves in the bushes. They form into human and take the gun from my hand. He then leads him out to the jails.

I rush over to Sky and another wolf comes taking his limp body with him.

I head over to Asher. He sits their very happily. I laugh at his happy expression.

"What?" I ask. Asher just continues to smile and jumps off the ground after I finish uniting him.

"You never stopped loving me." I laugh and he kisses my cheek.

"That and you are hella sexy when you fight.





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