Chapter 18

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Sky's scent... Arousal... My scent can't be better. I don't know what to do? Sky is perfect, and I am... Well, me. I take a deep breath and take a step away from Sky.

"I must go home. My friend." I say.

"No. Not hap..." I cut him off my smashing my lips on his. Literly. Our kiss was rough, needy. I needed to be loved. I want to be loved. Bot most of all I don't want to be tied down. All my life I had spent part of my time on the move. Moving from friend groups constantly. Avoiding Uncle Will for months. I was different now. But I need to face my destiny and, now is the time. After pulling away from Sky he relents.

"Fine, you can go. But..." I cut him off again.

"YES!" i yell and run around the running up the stairs and pack. I wonder if anyone missed me....

Anyway, I get packing, excited to meet Kennedy, and to see Drake again. He and I are close. As Sky pulls up in the car, I take a deep breath, and kiss him on the cheek.

"I will see you soon." I give him an weird hug, and leave. The front door slams open and Kennedy pounds out.


"SORRY!!! I got..." i pull off my Jacket. The new tattoo and my old one make it look like I have angel wings. She nods understanding I have gotten another.

"I missed you... But as much as I wanna whoop your ass, we have much to talk about." Kennedy takes my hand and leads me inside.

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