Chapter 2: The Girl-Who-Lived

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1991 | 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey

It was dark when Ashley regained consciousness. The pain in her head was thankfully gone but now, she was somewhere she didn't recognize... Not yet, at least. She was lying on an uncomfortable bed and from what she could see; she was inside a small room a very small room. It was suffocating. She wasn't exactly claustrophobic but that didn't mean that she appreciated being inside of small enclosed spaces. She attempted to look around a bit more but her eyesight was blurred. Where were her glasses? She blindly searched, patting around the cot as she sat up. When she found them, she immediately noticed the difference. The frame was too thin... And why was it broken? The bridge was barely being held together by tape. Nevertheless, she put it on.

Where am I? What did that stone do?

She slipped the blanket off and combed a hand through her hair. She looked down at herself and noticed her odd clothing. She was wearing a grey shirt with striped pajama pants, both garments two sizes too big for her. Frowning, she turned the light on and took a proper look around the room. The shelves by the head of the bed, the slanted ceiling of the room, the minuscule open vent on the door... It was all so familiar to her, and she was slowly starting to realize why. Before she could ponder more, the light outside the door turned on as a voice rang out.

"Up. Get up, now!"

Oh. Oh.

There were several knocks against the door and then, a loud smack. That voice... Ashley recognized that voice. Who wouldn't? It was Petunia Dursley, the infamous aunt of Harry Potter. That confirmed it. The wish had worked! Ashley was now in the place of Harry Potter, now named Elizabeth Ashley Potter, during the first film. Her thoughts drifted to her friends. What had happened to them? Well, if the wish really did work, then they were in their respective places as the replacements of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. I'll see them again eventually, Ashley assured herself. There was nothing to worry about aside from her wicked new family. Snatching her away from her thoughts were the sounds of heavy footsteps coming from above.

"Wake up, cousin! We're going to the zoo!"

Dudley Dursley, Ashley thought bitterly as the boy jumped on top of the steps, causing dust to fall down on her. She turned her glare upwards as she heard her pig of a cousin laugh. She listened intently for telltale sound of the kitchen door closing as Dudley entered, knowing that she would be pushed back inside the cupboard if she left too early.

"Oh, here he comes, the birthday boy!"

And that was her muffled cue. She went through her room's open door and closed it behind her, heading into the kitchen. She made it just in time to hear her uncle's greeting. To Dudley of course, he never would have greeted her if it was her birthday. She ignored the 'happy' family and instantly began cooking the bacon, not bothering to wait for her aunt's order. It was a good thing she already knew how to cook. She probably would have received a beating if she messed up their breakfast.

"I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day." Petunia cooed.

Ashley mentally gagged, mouthing the words mockingly as the vile woman said them. She made sure not to get caught. That also would have earned her a beating or two. She grabbed the plates and carefully placed the cooked bacon on each one, half tempted to secretly spit in them. The Dursleys would have had it coming... She had to wait though. She didn't have her magic just yet. Well, not really, she just hadn't had the time to practice her magic.

"Hurry up! Bring my coffee, girl!" Vernon ordered.

"Yes, Uncle Vernon." Ashley answered, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

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