Chapter 21: A Marauder's Daughter

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"Do you really have to go?" Sirius whined for the umpteenth time that morning.

New Year's had passed and the time had come when Ashley was meant to return to Hogwarts. Her belongings were packed, her wand was in her pocket, Hedwig was in her cage, and Moko was wrapped around her forearm underneath her sweater. It was still fairly chilly in January so she was wearing her honorary Weasley sweater. The emerald green fabric made her eyes pop with a golden 'A' stitched in the middle. The piece of clothing was very dear to her. It was a reminder of the family that accepted her as their own. She was ecstatic to be reunited with her pseudo-siblings but she wasn't exact that thrilled to leave her home and her soul-bonded. Sirius was also averse to the idea of being separated from his Bambi again. He had been saying so since he woke up and there was no peace during breakfast.

"Padfoot, we can't take her away from her studies." Remus rolled his eyes.

"Yes but...Dumbledore!" Sirius protested.

"I'll be alright, Siri. Stop worrying so much." Ashley chuckled, hugging his waist from where she sat beside him.

"I'll never stop worrying over you, Bambi." He sighed, combing a hand through her hair.

"I know, and I love you for that." She smiled.

"...You're tempting me even more to keep you locked in this house." Sirius pouted.

"Sirius, no." Remus scolded half-heartedly.

"Sirius, yes." Sirius countered.



It was quite obvious that Remus was attempting not to succumb to the urge to smile at his lover's antics. The Animagus was certainly dramatic, even back when they first met, but Remus loved him nonetheless. The three of them finished breakfast unfortunately quickly. They double-checked Ashley's things, even though it was highly unlikely she forgot something, before apparating straight to King's Cross. They grabbed a cart and piled her luggage on it, heading for the charmed entrance to Platform 9¾. Sirius and Remus wanted the whole experience of guiding her to the platform, a right that was cruelly stripped from them the first time their Bambi had went there.

Ignoring the looks they garnered as they walked by, Remus stood on Ashley's left with Sirius on her right. The men each placed one hand on the handle of the cart, the other on one of each of the Potter Heiress' shoulder. Grinning, they ran for the wall and disappeared through it. They stepped onto the designated platform, amidst wizards, witches, and Muggles alike. The crowd was a bit stifling but it was majestic, and it always would be for Ashley. Never mind that she'd be exposed to the sight a lot. Coming from a world where it didn't exist, magic would never lose its appeal.

"Here, before you go...a late Christmas gift."

Sirius whipped out his wand and summoned an average-sized box, wrapped in red with a simple red ribbon on top. Moko popped his head out and watched curiously as Ashley accepted the gift. She opened it and gasped happily at what was inside. A black Polaroid camera, exactly what she had been hoping for! She didn't bother stopping herself from jumping for joy as she grabbed the item.

"A camera!? Oh my Godric, thank you!" She exclaimed.

"It's charmed so the pictures move like a typical wizard photograph. I bought it as a teenager but it's still in good shape...just like I am." Sirius waggled his eyebrows, earning a giggle from her and a look from Remus.

"Not only that." The werewolf mused.

He took the box from Ashley and pulled out a second object. It was a book, its cover brown, dragon hide leather with intricately-designed gold corners. The phrase 'Mischief Managed' was carved upon it in elegant script, right above was a minuscule version of the Gryffindor crest. Flipping to the very first page, the emptiness confused Ashley until her magic reacted to it, slowly revealing the hidden message meant for her eyes only. However, the blowing of a whistle prevented her from reading the long letter.

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